DSDT bagel van serving fresh bagels at Library Square every week
By: Maria Andreou
Last updated: Friday, 31 January 2025

DSDT Managing Director with one of her students and SUF staff
Have a bagel, support a special cause
Relish, the bagel van, is a food micro-business project created through a collaboration between the University and the Down Syndrome Development Trust (DSDT), with the support of Sussex Uni Food.
Find Relish at Library Square on Thursdays and Fridays, between 10am-2.30pm, during term time. (previously based outside Eat Central)
Grab large, fluffy bagels with your go-to toppings. Choose between whipped cream cheese, mozzarella, beetroot humus & salad, tomato & pesto, marmite, banana & peanut butter, and more! Coffee, tea and snacks also available.
The Down Syndrome Development Trust
The DSDT, based at the Sussex Innovation Centre, has been supporting young people with Down Syndrome and their families for over a decade.
Through providing services, specialised interventions, short breaks, and opening pathways to various opportunities, the Trust is helping young people flourish, improving outcomes in education, sports, social skills, and the overall life of its members.
Find out more
Sussex Uni Food (SUF) continue to support the initiative, with more learning opportunities for the young people of the Trust planned, including work experience taking place in campus catering outlets later in the year.
Read more about Relish and the Trust and keep up to date with catering updates!