Sussex Recycles: how we are transforming leftovers into life
By: Ellie Evans
Last updated: Friday, 18 October 2024

The sign for the bio-digester just behind Bramber House

Diners recycle in Eat Central
Did you know our state-of-the-art bio-digester processes up to 300kg of food waste and plant-based packaging in just 24 hours, creating nutrient-rich compost for our campus?
This is where all the food waste generated in Eat Central goes – and where all the compostable packaging will end up too. It reduces the volume of the organic waste by around 80% and the resulting compost can be used around our beautiful estate to help nature flourish.
Since it reopened, the new-look Eat Central has revolutionised the way we handle our waste. There’s no dedicated rubbish bin any more; instead, diners have to separate out all their waste at one of the two recycling banks.
What can we recycle?
Each recycling bank includes bins for separate materials – here’s a closer look:
- Takeaway: all the takeaway containers in Eat Central are compostable - please put them in here, along with any napkins, wooden cutlery and the waxed paper tray liners from Tortilla, and they will make their way to the bio-digester
- Food waste: all your food leftovers, including meat, can go into this bin
- Recycle: as this article explains, here on campus you can only recycle plastic bottles, dry and clean cardboard and paper, and drinks cans and tins, so pop these in here. Any glass bottles should go into the dedicated recycling bin just outside Eat Central beside the outside seating
- Coffee cups: we'll soon be recycling these so let's all get into the habit of separating them out!
- Coffee lids: these will also be recycled soon
- Liquid waste: to avoid contaminating the recycling bin with too much liquid, please pour any leftover drinks into here
- Tableware: we've reintroduced lots of reusable bowls to minimise waste so please put your bowls and plates in this section; your used cutlery goes into the tray underneath.
What can’t be recycled right now?
There are a few things that can’t be recycled, so it’s best to carry these to the rubbish bins outside to avoid contaminating the recycling. These are being gradually phased out by our catering partners, including:
- Tin foil for Tortilla wraps
- The lids of the Sussex Saver takeaway pots
- Tomato ketchup sachets
- Butter and jam packaging from the breakfast service.
Tell us your views
We’re all getting used to the new system so we’re updating the screen behind one recycling bank in Eat Central with information to make it clearer what can be recycled.
How else would you like this explained? Would signage on each table be useful? Would you like to see more Recycling Champions there at lunchtime to explain the system?
This post on Viva Engage is a good place to put questions and suggestions or you can let us know your thoughts by emailing