Robin Banerjee: staff survey opens next week, look out for your email
Posted on behalf of: University of Sussex
Last updated: Thursday, 26 September 2024

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global and Civic Engagement) and Chair of the Staff Survey Steering Group, Professor Robin Banerjee, wrote to all staff on Wednesday 25 September. Read the email below:
Dear Colleague,
The staff survey opens next week - on Monday 30 September - and as Chair of the Staff Survey Steering Group, I am writing to ask you to look out for your email invitation to take part.
The full survey is now taking place once every two years, and you are strongly encouraged to take this opportunity to make your voice heard during the survey period. The results of the survey will be analysed by teams in every School and Professional Services Division, as well as by the University-wide leadership.
The data reports will be shared with all staff members, and there will be a variety of mechanisms to delve deeper into specific issues in between the main survey windows. Most importantly, the results will be used to build action plans for change within and across all Faculties, Schools and Divisions. Find out more about this, as well as positive actions that have been driven by the insights gained in previous surveys, on our staff survey webpages.
Look out for an email from People Insight, our survey partner, on Monday 30 September with your personal survey link. The survey email will come from ‘ If your email doesn’t arrive or you accidentally delete it, you can contact People Insight at
The survey will be open until midnight on Sunday 20 October, and it should take around 15 minutes to complete on your computer or mobile phone.
To reassure you about confidentiality, I want to stress that although People Insight will send a personal survey link to each individual, the results provided to the University will never be linked back to any individual. In fact, the People Insight data reports operate on the basis of a ‘rule of 10,’ meaning that results summaries for groups with fewer than 10 people will not be available; these will be rolled up into higher level groupings.
I would like to thank you in advance for taking some time out of your busy schedules to complete this survey, which I know will be important and impactful for the development of our University community.
With my best wishes,
Professor Robin Banerjee
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global and Civic Engagement) and Chair of the Staff Survey Steering Group