Broadcast: News items
Please update your equality data
Posted on behalf of: EDI Unit
Last updated: Friday, 16 August 2024

There have been changes made to the categories used to record equality data, meaning we now hold incomplete information for a significant number of staff, particularly in relation to ethnicity, which is missing for 45% of staff.
At Sussex we are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. Understanding the different backgrounds and experiences that we each bring to the university is fundamental to supporting this goal.
Collecting equality data helps us to understand and monitor diversity and patterns of underrepresentation at Sussex, providing evidence to inform and support driving action to improve policies, practices and initiatives. Having this information will also impact how our results are viewed from our staff HESA return.
Please take a few moments before your summer break to review and update your information in MyView. Doing so will help us:
- Identify areas where we can improve our diversity and inclusion efforts
- Help us better understand who we are at Sussex and develop programmes and initiatives that support all employees
- Support us to meet our commitments to create an equitable workplace.
How do I update my Equality Data?
You can review and update your equalities data by logging into MyView.
- Log into MyView using the same login details as your University email account.
- Select the ‘My Personal Details’ tab
- Then select the ‘My Equality Data’ tab.
- Fill in the information and select ‘Submit’ at the end of the page.
Please take this opportunity to ensure that your personal details are also up to date.
Data Protection
Your personal information is collected and updated via MyView and stored confidentially in the HR system. The University’s data protection policy can be found here Data Protection Policy : Data Protection : ... : Governance and Compliance : University of Sussex. Anonymized staff data is required to be submitted to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) yearly - more information can be found on their website