Concept Quest: Navigating ideas on and through linguistic concepts
Monday 11 March 10:00 until 17:00
University of Sussex Campus : Arts A108 -
This event focuses on concepts. More specifically, we aim to showcase the value of concept-based approaches in identifying patterns of thinking in textual data. The event’s presentations revolve around theoretical, methodological, and applied aspects of concept-led research. Theoretical approaches consider conceptual hierarchies, lexicalised and non-lexicalised concepts, an emergence of new concepts/ideas. Methodological discussions concern concept extraction in large data and conceptual tagging for new data. Applied issues revolve around archival and indexing solutions for concepts in texts, identifying discipline-specific concepts in big data, and commercialisation of conceptual research. We also plan a roundtable discussions and generous time for networking activities.
Invited speakers include:
• Dr Kathryn Allan (UCL) a contributor to the Historical Thesaurus of English, and to the volume Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary
• Dr Piotr Nagórka, (Warsaw) representing the Laboratory of Cultural Terminology at the University of Warsaw
• Dr Justyna Robinson (Sussex) and the Concept Analytics Laboratory (CAL) team
• Prof Louise Sylvester (Westminster), a co-author of The Bilingual Thesaurus of Everyday Life in Medieval England
• Kirsty Pattrick and Angela Bachini discussing new concepts in the Mass Observation Archive
Posted on behalf of: School of Media, Arts and Humanities
Further information: @CALresearchteam
Last updated: Wednesday, 6 March 2024