Digital interventions in Holocaust memory and education
Posted on behalf of: School of Media, Arts and Humanities
Last updated: Friday, 27 January 2023

During 2022, as part of the Digital Holocaust Memory Project colleagues in the Sussex Weidenfeld Institute of Jewish Studies worked with more than 80 representatives from a diverse range of academic disciplines, Holocaust institutions across the world, and wider GLAM sector, creative and technical professionals to co-create recommendations for digital interventions in Holocaust memory and education.
The project was structured as six series of co-creation, participatory workshops on the following themes:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Digitising Material Evidence
- Social Media
- Recording, Recirculating and Remixing Testimony
- Virtual Memoryscapes
- Computer Games
On Friday 27 January 2022, we launch the recommendations reports developed through the first four of these series (the next two will be published here later this year). Each report lists a number of recommendations directed towards a range of different stakeholders.
We are especially grateful to the number of project partners who have worked with us to co-host previous and forthcoming workshops: The University of Bern; iRights.Lab, Germany; The Centre of Life Writing and Life History, University of Sussex; The Hebrew University; Future Memory Foundation; and the Historical Games Network.
The project was generously funded by the Economic and Social Research Council’s Impact Acceleration Account and The School of Media, Arts and Humanities at the University of Sussex.