Life Sciences’ 2022 Kroto Award for Public Engagement now open for nominations
By: Jessica Gowers
Last updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Sir Harry Kroto
The School of Life Sciences has opened nominations for its annual public engagement award, named after Sir Harry Kroto FRS.
The Kroto Award recognises high quality examples of public engagement with research and is open to all staff within Life Sciences. The panel will review evidence of engagement over the past 18 months and the selected nominee will be awarded a £1,000 prize to support their public engagement work.
Nick Bull, Knowledge Exchange Manager in the School of Life Sciences, said: “The last two years have proved how effective science communication can positively impact our lives. Sussex Life Scientists have continued to engage the public throughout this period and against the odds with enthusiasm and passion. This award is a great opportunity to recognise their outstanding work.”
The award is named after Sir Harry Kroto FRS, a former University of Sussex Professor who won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes, a form of carbon including “buckyballs”.
During his lifetime, Sir Harry was a keen advocate for outreach, setting up the educational charity Vegas Science Trust, as well as taking part in numerous public engagements and encouraging researchers in his lab to do the same.
Nominations for the Kroto Award are now open. Staff can by nominated by anyone (including themselves) in the School until Friday 13 May. The panel will judge the submissions alone, so sufficient evidence should be provided.
Nominations can be submitted using the online form.
The winner of the Award will be announced on 17 June 2022 at the Royal Society of Chemistry chemical landmark blue plaque unveiling event, in honour of Sir Harry.
Find out more about Sir Harry Kroto and the event on the University website here.