West Slope enabling works starting in February – changes to road closures
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Thursday, 10 February 2022
Over the next few months, works will take place across the campus in preparation for site readiness and construction of the West Slope development.
These are 'enabling' works and are focused on site preparation and gaining further understanding of the ground conditions and other considerations before works start in earnest towards the end of 2022.
Whilst it is intended that disruption will be kept to a minimum, there will of course be times where roads and pathways are inaccessible, and when there might be noise associated with the works.
Works due to take place from next week are the digging of small trial pits to establish existing conditions of services to minimize disruption during the enabling works. This will mean that there will be some disruption and noise whilst the works take place.
Road closure 21 - 25 Feb: Most significantly is the need to close Refectory Road from 21 February until 25 February. between Norwich House Road and East Slope Road junction. As a result, buses will also be rerouted via East Slope during this period. Please check for further updates before work begins.
There will also be noise for a couple of hours in each location whilst tarmac is cut. The locations affected are:
- Junction Park Village Rd & Northfield Lane (24-25 Jan)
- Brighthelm Junction (25-26 Jan)
- Amberley Court (26-31 Jan)
- Refectory Road (28 Jan – 3 Feb)
- Pharmacy area (1-2 Feb)
- Norwich House area (3-9 Feb)
- Jubilee House area (9-10 Feb)
There will be no interruptions to any other services.
We will bring you information about other activity in advance and any queries can be directed to the SEF service desk on 01273 877777.