Our services during the holidays
Posted on behalf of: Student Communications
Last updated: Friday, 17 December 2021
Today Kelly Coate, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students, wrote to all taught students. You can read her message below:
Dear students,
I hope you’re enjoying your holidays and those of you who were travelling arrived home safely. This will be my last update until January 2022.
In this update you’ll find information about:
- Our services during the holidays
- Keeping you up-to-date
- Covid-19 vaccine boosters
- Joining team Sussex for the 2022 Brighton marathon
- Christmas Day on campus
Our services during the holidays
Some of our services will continue to run during the holidays, although the opening dates and times may change. Check the Student Hub to find out which services will be open over the vacation. On the same webpage, you will also find activities that you might want to join in with.
The Student Hub is the place to go for student information at Sussex. You can find the answers to most of your queries using the search bar, including health, international travel, getting help in an emergency, job opportunities, ways to connect with other students and much more.
Keeping you up-to-date
We’re looking forward to welcoming you back on campus in the New Year. We plan to continue to provide teaching and learning in-person and on campus in Semester 2, unless the current UK Government guidance and rules change between now and the start of term.
You can find our latest Covid-19 guidance on the Student Hub, which we’ll keep updated over the holidays. We’ll email you if there are any changes to our Semester 2 plans, so please keep an eye on your Sussex email account.
Covid-19 vaccine boosters
Following the Prime Minister's announcement last Sunday, anybody over 18 can book their Covid booster if they already had their first two Covid vaccinations.
We strongly encourage all students to get the Covid-19 vaccine or the booster jab to protect you, those you care about and the wider community.
Join Team Sussex for the 2022 Brighton marathon
Join Team Sussex, made up of students, staff and alumni, and help us support our aims to create and maintain a more sustainable and biodiverse campus in Falmer.
We currently have places available for the BM10K (10km run/walk) and the BM Ride (50km bike ride) events. It's free to join and we provide training. Find out more and sign up now
Christmas Day on Campus
Finally, if you're on campus, you're invited to the Christmas Day celebration that the Meeting House is hosting on 25 December between 12-3pm. There will be refreshments, music, crackers and games.
You’ll need to show a negative lateral flow test that you have taken on the day.
Check the Student Hub for more events during the holidays.
With best wishes,
Kelly Coate
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students