Update for students
By: Maria Balboa Carbon
Last updated: Thursday, 7 October 2021

Kelly Coate, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Education and Students
Today, 7 October, Kelly Coate, Pro Vice Chancellor for Education and Students wrote to all taught students. You can read the message in full below:
Dear students,
In this update you can find about:
- Listening to others we don't agree with
- vaccination status survey results
- getting tested and reporting positive cases
- face coverings on campus
- Registration (new and returning students)
- Student experiences insights study
- Black History Month
Listening to others we don’t agree with
One of the most important aspects of being a student at Sussex is challenging our own thinking whilst listening to others we may not agree with. This sits at the heart of our values as an institution. We believe passionately about academic freedom of speech and expression, even if as individuals we disagree with the views of others in our community. This week we have seen some materials displayed around campus that goes against these values, and constitute harassment towards a member of our staff, which is very serious. We’re looking into this as the University cannot tolerate threats to our academic freedoms and will take necessary action to protect the rights of our community. I hope you understand why this is so important to us.
Vaccination status survey results
Thank you to the almost 11,000 students who completed our vaccination status survey. Out of those, 87% of you confirmed that you're fully vaccinated, showing how committed most of you are to protecting our community, which is the essence of the University's community pledge. If you’ve not already done so, please take a moment to sign the community pledge now.
Getting tested and reporting positive cases
Even if you're fully vaccinated, we encourage you to continue taking a lateral flow test at least twice a week to help reduce the risk of transmission. Whether your test is negative or positive, please remember to log your result on the Government’s website.
If you test positive for Covid-19, you must self-isolate and complete the online reporting form so we can arrange a support package for you.
Face coverings on campus
Thank you also to those of you who are reducing the risk of transmission of Covid-19 on campus by wearing a face covering. Small acts of kindness like wearing a mask show how much we care for each other.
Following Government guidance, face coverings are expected in all teaching spaces and crowded places on campus to protect those most vulnerable.
Registration (new and returning students)
If you’ve not already done so, please remember to complete the registration process by Friday 15 October. If you've not arrived on campus yet, you still need to complete your registration.
Student experiences insights study
If you're a first-year or foundation student, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) would like to invite you to participate in the Student Experiences Insights Study. Check your Sussex email inbox for more information.
Black History Month
Finally, I invite you to celebrate Black History Month and enjoy the multitude of events taking place in Brighton and Hove this October.
With best wishes,
Kelly Coate
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students