Latest info and guidance: 17 June 2021
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Friday, 18 June 2021

Update government guidance about a return to campus
The Government has indicated that the current roadmap for a much broader relaxation of restrictions has moved from June 21 to potentially 19 July.
As such we have updated our return to campus webpages for staff – please continue to refer to these pages to understand how the University is responding to the Government’s roadmap.
As always, we will continue to be guided by the latest Government guidance.
Our Remote Working Framework will come into effect once the new academic year begins in September. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, a greater proportion of roles at the University have been successfully performed remotely. The framework incorporates learnings from these ways of working and also builds on Flexible Sussex, to allow a better work life balance.
Welcoming you back
To coincide with the planned lifting of restrictions, we will be running events at the ACCA café over the summer months. These will give you the chance to meet up with your colleagues and take a look around campus, to see how our buildings and open spaces have changed while many of you have been working from home.
We currently have slots planned for between 20 July and 1 September, which is dependent on the easing of restrictions. You can now book an 11am or 2pm slot.
It will be a great opportunity to meet your teammates face-to-face, so try to arrange to attend the same event if possible. Weather permitting you might be able to meet outside on the grass in front of the ACCA café.
We will be sharing further suggestions of things you and your teams can do to reconnect with each other and the campus in the coming weeks.
Testing on campus
The University and the local public health team are acting swiftly to ensure transmission rates are contained and students can travel home safely.
Additional PCR tests have been supplied to the University’s onsite testing facility in Bramber House (level 1 Dine Central). These tests will be available to University staff and students, who would like to have enhanced testing.
If you are working on campus, it’s important to book in for regular Covid-19 tests - all staff who need to work on campus can be tested up to twice a week.
You can make a booking for a test on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at any time from 10am to 2pm.
Anyone with a new cough, a high temperature or changes in their sense of smell or taste should instead self-isolate and arrange for a home test kit to be delivered. Read more information about testing on campus.
What’s open on campus
If you are coming back Shops and eating places on campus are operating under restricted open times. Check opening hours for the Co-op store in Bramber House and our catering venue opening times. Visit the
Sussexsport pages for the latest information about facilities, what they are offering online and how to contact the team.