Broadcast: News items
USS 2020 valuation update
By: James Hakner
Last updated: Friday, 16 April 2021
This is part of the regular series of USS communications to update staff on the progress of the 2020 valuation of the USS pension scheme.
In this update:
- USS responds to call for valuation review
- UUK opens consultation with USS employers
- University seeks views of all staff eligible to be in USS
- More independent expert sessions for staff next week
USS responds to call for valuation review
In the last update, we told you that Universities UK had written to the USS Trustee urging it to review its decision to set very high prices to maintain the current benefits of USS. The Trustee responded to that request in a detailed letter sent to UUK on 29 March.
UUK opens consultation with USS employers
While it continues to push the Trustee to address concerns about the valuation, UUK has opened a consultation with the 340 organisations, including the University of Sussex, who are USS employers. UUK has set a deadline of 24 May to hear back from USS employers on its consultation, which aims to establish a shared understanding among employers about next steps. UUK is encouraging employers to gather the views of their USS-eligible staff in developing their consultation responses.
University seeks views of all staff eligible to be in USS
Before finalising its response to UUK’s consultation, the University wants to hear from USS-eligible staff at Sussex. Those staff will be emailed a link to a survey on Monday 26 April, giving them the opportunity to help inform the University’s response. The survey will close on Friday 7 May. Please do take part in this important exercise, if you have the time.
More independent expert sessions for staff next week
Before the staff survey opens, we want staff to have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of their pension scheme and what is happening with the consultation and 2020 valuation. Therefore, we have invited back Rebecca Dodd, an independent pensions expert at Mercer, to hold two information and Q&A sessions for staff next week. These will take place at 10-11am on Wednesday 21 April and 2-3pm on Friday 23 April. You can book your place via Eventbrite. The webinars will have updated content since the sessions Rebecca held for Sussex staff in March.