Broadcast: News items
More detailed data from our first pulse survey is now available
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Friday, 26 March 2021
Staff can now view more detailed results from the University’s first pulse staff survey, including data about equalities and School and Divisional level data.
The aim of the survey was to get a better understanding of our community and seek views of what it’s like to work at Sussex and to allow staff to share what they think could be done differently or better.
Last week we shared the overall institutional level results from the survey which show a wide range of improvements in comparison with the previous staff survey in 2018, but also areas where improvements need to be made.
As well as headline findings from the survey we now have equalities data – in relation to disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity – and School and Division data, which can be viewed on our Staff Survey webpages.
Head of School for Psychology and academic lead for the staff survey, Professor Robin Banerjee, said: “It is important that we are open and transparent with the results and that all staff have the opportunity to view and explore that data. Our staff networks, relevant Self-Assessment teams and Steering Groups are currently reviewing the equalities data for action planning purposes.”
Heads of School and Divisional Directors are sharing their local results with teams for discussion and local action planning. During these sessions, local teams will also be asked to suggest institutional level priorities.
In early May, University-level action plans will be shared with all staff and School and Divisions will also share their agreed local plans at that time.
Progress of work with the staff survey will be monitored by the People, Culture, and Inclusion Committee and by the University Executive Group.