International Women’s Day: free film screening to explore why women are still a minority in science
By: Jessica Gowers
Last updated: Thursday, 11 February 2021

The Schools of Life Sciences and Engineering and Informatics at the University of Sussex are co-hosting an online screening of the film Picture a Scientist in recognition of International Women’s Day (8 March).
The feature-length documentary by Ian Cheney and Sharon Shattuck uses personal stories and statistical data to investigate why women are still a minority in science and it explores how we can make science itself more diverse, equitable and open to all.
The film screening, organised by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion leads in the Schools of Life Sciences and Engineering and Informatics, will take place at 1pm on Monday 8 March, and is open to all staff and students.
Dr Elizabeth Rendon-Morales, Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and EDI champion in the School of Engineering and Informatics, said: “We are glad to celebrate the International Women’s Day with the online screening of the Picture a Scientist film.
"The film is the documentary that we all need to continue raising awareness on our unconscious biases and how we can promote equity in everyday life. By highlighting stories of three extraordinary female scientists, it provides an excellent opportunity for reflexion aiming to identify new perspectives on how we can all together make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.”
Picture a Scientist chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. A biologist, a chemist and a geologist lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in the sciences, overcoming brutal harassment, institutional discrimination, and years of subtle slights to revolutionise the culture of science. A trailer for the film is available on Vimeo.
Professor Majid Hafezparast, Professor of Molecular Neuroscience and EDI Lead in the School of Life Sciences, said: “As part of this year’s International Women’s Day celebrations, we are delighted to be screening the film Picture a Scientist: a biopic depicting the experience of three extraordinary female scientists overcoming institutional bias, sexual harassment and systemic racism through their careers.
"In highlighting these stories, the film reminds us how crucial it is for all of us to actively come together and confront these issues to help create a society and scientific community free of prejudice and systemic discrimination.”
The online screening of Picture a Scientist will take place at 1pm on Monday 8 March and is open to staff and students at the University of Sussex. Registration is essential; to attend this online screening, register on Eventbrite by 12noon on Friday 5 March.