Update on Covid-19 testing at the Sport Centre
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Thursday, 3 December 2020
Covid-19 tests now available for all staff
We are now delivering the government’s mass asymptomatic testing programme (i.e. for people showing no symptoms of Covid-19) on the University’s campus.
The testing programme is primarily designed to support students to travel home safely for the winter vacation period.
However, now that we have a good idea of the demand from our students for these tests, we have extended the testing not only to staff in essential campus roles, but also to our wider staff community.
The testing is being carried out now at the Sport Centre (near Falmer House) until Friday 11 December inclusive (and including the weekend of Saturday 5–Sunday 6 December).
We are using lateral flow testing devices (LFDs), with results available within 30–45 minutes.
To be confident of a negative result, it is necessary to take two tests at least three days apart. To book a test you can complete this online booking form. You would need to take your first test by Tuesday 8 December in order to have your second test done within the time period that the facility is open.
See more information and FAQs; you can also read the advice we are giving to students on the Student Hub. And we’ve put together some information about getting to the Sport Centre for your tests.
Staffing the test centre
Among the people running the test centre are a large number of medical students from BSMS. This work gives them valuable medical experience and may count towards their degree.
This also means we have now met the staffing requirement to run the testing programme and we no longer need to call on many of the Sussex staff who responded to our call and have kindly offered to help out.
We would like to thank all staff who have volunteered. Read our FAQs to see what’s involved if you have been contacted to confirm when you are helping out.
Colleagues continue to work through the forms completed by other staff who have offered to work at the testing centre and they are sending out daily schedules.
If you have signed up to help out and have not yet heard back, please don’t worry; the testing team will be in touch soon to let you know if we still need you – and, if so, to confirm your dates.
If you have any queries about helping out, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant colleagues by mailing covidtesting@sussex.ac.uk.