Broadcast: News items
Latest information for staff on mass testing
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Friday, 20 November 2020
Mass testing programme for students
We wanted to provide staff with more detail about the Government’s mass asymptomatic testing programme (i.e. for people showing no symptoms of Covid-19) and how you can help. The testing programme is designed to support students to travel home safely for the winter vacation period and universities right across the country are taking part in this national effort.
As the VC outlined in his message to all staff, this initiative is a major priority for the University and the only way we can operate a testing programme of this scale is to ask for your help. We need around 100 members of staff every day to work on campus, from Monday 30 November to Friday 11 December inclusive (and including the weekend of Saturday 5–Sunday 6 December).
We are strongly encouraging students to undertake this testing, and they will need to take two tests over a four-day period. Provided they are asymptomatic, have undertaken both tests and received negative results, they can travel home as soon they are able within the ‘student travel window’, i.e. Thursday 3–Wednesday 9 December.
The testing, using lateral flow testing devices (LFDs), will be done on the University’s campus – and, unlike other tests, the test result will be made available within 30–45 minutes.
All staff who volunteer will be provided with training and full personal protective equipment (PPE), and the testing will be carried out following strict government guidelines. You can read more information about what volunteering for testing involves, the roles required and what you can expect in our FAQs. We will also ask all those volunteering at the site to take the test to be sure no-one is inadvertently exposing others to the virus.
You might also find it useful to read the advice we are giving to students on the Student Hub. If you can help, please then complete the online form to indicate your availability each day.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant colleagues by mailing
Mobile Testing Unit returns to campus this weekend (21–22 November)
The Mobile Testing Unit returns to campus this weekend (Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November) and will again be in the Arts car park (7A). This testing facility is for symptomatic testing only; those people concerned about having Covid-19 symptoms and requiring a test should book an appointment through the national booking system.
Home testing kits
The University also has home testing kits, which are available to students living on campus once they have filled out the University’s reporting form.