More than 1,100 colleagues take part in poll on cost savings
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Thursday, 29 October 2020
Following the email sent last week inviting you to take part in a poll on cost savings and efficiency ideas for the University, more than 1,150 have already shared their views within the first seven days.
The poll incorporates ideas that were generated by colleagues at 15 different staff engagement focus groups in late August and September.
These suggestions on ways the institution could find savings, make efficiencies and generate further income to protect Sussex for years to come were also captured via an online form.
Director of Human Resources, Siobhan O’Reilly, said: “We are really pleased that so many colleagues are taking the opportunity to give their feedback on the ideas that were generated before they are discussed or consulted on further.
“The poll enables us to engage and be open with colleagues on important issues which affect us all and is really important as it will allow us to get a view from across the institution to understand the support or otherwise for the cost-saving ideas.
“The suggestions, including ways of reducing the pay bill, are ways of making savings if necessary to protect jobs and services.”
All responses to the poll will be anonymised and colleagues are encouraged to take part.
The invite to take part in the poll was an email that came from Internal Communications – with the subject title: Have your say and take part in poll.
The email contains a unique link, and you will be able to take the poll only once. Please don’t share with your colleagues, as this will prevent you from being able to use your link.
If you have not seen the email, please check your ‘junk folder’. Please email if you have any problems.
The poll closes on Monday (2 November) at 5pm.