UCEA provides update on 2020-21 pay
By: Charlie Littlejones
Last updated: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
UCEA, the sector body that negotiates pay for higher education staff nationally, has provided an update on pay for the 2020-21 academic year.
In recognition of the significant financial challenges that universities across the sector are facing, UCEA has decided that there will be no uplift in basic pay for university staff this year.
The decision concludes the 2020-21 negotiating round, which had been postponed since March 2020 due to the extraordinary circumstances brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.
This means that there will be no changes to the pay spine this year. However, all eligible colleagues will still receive an annual incremental pay rise. As usual, this will be implemented in October.
This is an exceptional decision in recognition of the circumstances that exist this year. UCEA has signalled that it stands ready to begin negotiations early for the 2021-22 pay round.
For more information, visit the UCEA website.