SussexFood are now one of the top 200 collectors of crisp packets for the Terracycle scheme!
Posted on behalf of: SussexFood
Last updated: Monday, 24 June 2019
As many of you will be aware by now, Terracycle are a recycling company that have teamed up with Walkers to create a recycling scheme which accepts all brands of crisp packets.
Here at Sussex, the crisp packets are cleaned on site and sent to Terracycle where they are then 100% recycled. The plastic and aluminium foil packet is shredded and turned into small pellets which can then be used to make new items such as benches and watering cans.
Crisp packet recycling bins are now in every SussexFood cafe and restaurant - so far your efforts have taken us in to become one of the top 200 crisp packet recyclers in the UK and let's keep pushing with this!
If you are unsure how to recyle a crisp packet, then please ask a SussecFood staff member.
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