University of Sussex wins prestigious Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Award
By: James Hakner
Last updated: Friday, 23 June 2017
The University of Sussex has picked up the THE DataPoints Merit Award trophy at this year’s THE Leadership and Management Awards.
The THELMAs, now in their ninth year, recognise outstanding work across the professional services and administration of the UK’s world-leading higher education institutions.
This year, THE’s DataPoints team focused on an assessment of global indicators, looking at international recognition and collaboration.
The shortlist was made up of universities displaying a high percentage of international collaboration across all their published research as well as consistently high scores in THE’s Academic Reputation Survey. The team looked at the geographical diversity of the votes, meaning that universities with votes coming from an array of countries were selected.
THE’s DataPoints team said they wanted to reward a global institution tackling relevant issues from a variety of angles, and have awarded the University of Sussex the 2017 THE DataPoints Merit Award for its long and prolific history of interdisciplinary research.
Of the many research groups at Sussex, the judges highlighted two which they say exemplify a forward-thinking interdisciplinary approach: the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) and the Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS).
University of Sussex Vice-Chancellor Adam Tickell commented: “It’s absolutely terrific to see the University of Sussex win such a prestigious award. Tackling issues on the global stage sits at the heart of our ambition and I couldn’t be more proud of what our community has achieved. Recognition must be given to everyone at two of Sussex’s research groups the Science Policy Research Unit and the Centre for Cognitive Science, who have been singled out by the judging team. Congratulations to everyone at Sussex who works so hard to build our reputation in the UK and around the world, which no doubt contributed to this prestigious accolade.”
THE’s DataPoints team said:
“SPRU, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, brings together economics, technology and policy and has been ranked second, after Harvard University (with whom the Harvard Sussex Program on limiting chemical and biological weapons is run), for research impact in innovation. It was also ranked seventh by the University of Pennsylvania’s 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, in its list of top science and technology thinktanks.
“COGS, founded by cognitive scientist and philosopher Professor Margaret Boden, is another example of interdisciplinary research in a field that is becoming more relevant every year. Under the broad umbrella of cognitive sciences are gathered researchers in artificial intelligence, neuroscience, psychology, linguistics and philosophy, tackling the central issue of the nature of the mind and thought.”
THE editor John Gill said:
“Once again we've seen examples of exceptional performance in the most important areas of university leadership, management and administration. At a time of ever greater competition in higher education, our hope is that by shining a light on these winners, institutions will learn from one another to improve the quality of what they do across the board.
Anyone working in a UK university will know how dedicated and resourceful their colleagues are, but it’s our great honour to be able to showcase these examples from across the country.”
Pictured (left to right):
- Bill Bailey, comedian and awards presenter
- Claire Ward, Career Development Advisor
- Seb Oliver, Professor of Physics
- Antonella de Santo, Professor of Physics
- Carole Wilkinson, Joint Head of Widening Participation
- Jocelyn Owen, Graduate Employer and Events Advisor
- Sam Dunnett, Widening Participation Events Manager
- Duncan Ross, data and analytics director, Times Higher Education
- Chris Brodie, Chair of Council, University of Sussex
- Marco Peccianti, Reader in Physics