NEWSLETTER No. 35   November 2015









12.30 - 2.30pm, Thursday 17 December 2015


The annual buffet lunch for Suss-Ex Club members, their guests, and USPAS former staff will take place on Thursday 17 December, from 12.30 - 2.30pm.   (USPAS members will receive a separate invitation via the USPAS Office and should reply to Tracey Llewellyn.)


Please note that there is a new venue for the party this year. It will be held in The Terrace Room, 3rd floor, Bramber House.  A lift is situated in the lobby of Bramber House to take you to the 3rd floor.


If you are driving to the University and would like to collect a parking notice to display in your car, so that you do not have to pay for and display a parking ticket, please collect the parking notice on your way in from the Reception desk in Sussex House. You may park in any of the University car parks.

The cost to Suss-Ex Club members is £7.00 each and includes a buffet lunch, wine, soft drinks and tea or coffee. The closing date for bookings is Thursday 3 December.


Please print and complete the booking form at the end of this Newsletter and return it with a cheque or credit/debit card details to

Sue Bullock, 104 Bonchurch Road, Brighton BN2 3PH.

NB  Please do not send card details by email.





Events with a speaker and the option of a meal   Suss-Ex has from the start occasionally arranged an event with a speaker and the option of a meal afterwards.  Such events have always taken place in the evening, and we wonder whether a different timetable would be as, or more, attractive to members.  There are various possibilities:  for instance, a talk followed by afternoon tea, or afternoon tea followed by an early evening talk.  Others can be imagined.  It would be helpful to those arranging such events to have comments from members about their preferences, so please let any member of the steering group (they are listed at the end of the Newsletter) know what you think.




Bremf outing    Fifteen Suss-Ex members attended a highlight of this year’s Brighton Early Music Festival [aka Bremf], ‘La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall’Isola di Alcina’ by Francesca Caccini, the first surviving opera written by a woman. This was imaginatively produced in a style somewhat different from what one might have expected, described below in an abbreviation of the Argus review:

It’s rare that an operatic production repeatedly makes the audience laugh out loud. However, this charming production of Francesca Caccini’s work is a delightful surprise.  The musicians of the Bremf Renaissance Players, conducted by Deborah Roberts, perform sensitively without obstructing the Edwardian seaside-themed set; costume designs range from dignified bathing suits to elaborate lingerie and millinery. Italian dialogue is summed up on placards: an elaborate love duet between hunky sailor Ruggiero and enchantress Alcina is translated as “You like?”, “Yes.” This show presents early music in refreshingly accessible style.

One member said ‘I enjoyed the performance tremendously: the singing was good, the production most ingenious, and the atmosphere so committed and friendly. I particularly appreciated the lament of the plants - lovely music. You can see that a woman singer was at the source of the inspiration …in  fact, the Caccini family were so extraordinary that they transformed the role of female singers at that time.’

Next year, Bremf’s theme will be ‘Nature and Science: from the earth to the stars’. We shall surely find plenty of musical interest there!





Talk by Nick Tucker   On Friday 9 October over 30 members and guests heard a stimulating talk by Nick Tucker on ‘British children’s books:  a somewhat strange history’.   While part of the pleasure in the talk was undoubtedly the prompting of memories of one’s own childhood, the unexpected or unfamiliar material was perhaps particularly stimulating.  Most of the audience stayed after the talk for a buffet supper, and discussion and reminiscence continued until the clearing of tables indicated that it was time to leave.





University policies for retired members   The American Sociological Association has now formed a section which is concerned with the position of retired sociologists, and contact with this reveals that there is in the US a range of interesting university policies for possible post-retirement activities.  Ohio State, for instance, has  what appears to be an official university body, the Ohio State University Retirees Association, which arranges social and academic events, provides opportunities for volunteering in university activities, and has representation on some university bodies.  There is also a special fund for the support of emeritus faculty who continue academically active, e.g. by funding conference attendance.  


It would be interesting to find out more about the policies of other universities, in this country or elsewhere.  Members are invited to send [to] short descriptions of policies which they have come across elsewhere, whether or not the policies are novel, to be published in summary and/or detail in future Newsletters.

Obituary   We regret to announce the death, on 7 October, of Chris Baxter, one of the University’s early appointments in French.  An obituary will appear in a future Newsletter.



Publications, 2015   Every year Suss-Ex publishes a list of members’ recent publications (broadly defined).  Please let Charles Goldie ( or Jennifer Platt ( know of appropriate items appearing in 2015, and any earlier which have not already been reported.  A list will appear in a later Newsletter.









Suss-Ex: the website and the Committee




The website


More information about Suss-Ex is available on its webpage at  ‘Suss-Ex Club’ in Google will get you there, as will, or you can find us in the A–Z on the University’s homepage.  The website has copies of past Newsletters, and also has a link to, a list of obituaries of deceased colleagues.


The steering committee


Suss-Ex activities are organised by a steering committee, which currently comprises:

Sir Gordon Conway, Chair

Sue Bullock

Colin Finn

Jackie Fuller

Charles Goldie

Arnold Goldman

Jennifer Platt

Steve Pavey

Adrian Peasgood

David Smith

Paul Tofts


Ideas for the future


We are always seeking ideas for social occasions when we can meet former colleagues. Please let us have your suggestions, or volunteer to join the committee. We meet once a term, when practicable immediately before a Suss-Ex event.



Christmas Party: Thursday 17 December 2015


Booking Details  (to be returned not later than 3 December 2015)


Your Details


Name(s) ………………………………………………………………………………………



Home Address   …….…………………………………………………………………………………

(Required for credit/debit card bookings)



Telephone ………………………………….  Email address ..……………………………………



Please book  ……..  place/s at £7.00 each                    Total  £  ………



Payment Details


I enclose a cheque for £……………….. (payable to University of Sussex).


Please charge my debit / credit / Maestro card with £………………..


Card Type (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro etc) ………………………………


Card number………………………………………………………………….


Valid      Maestro issue number ………


Security Code………………(last 3 numbers on signature strip on reverse of card)


Name on card……………………………………………………..






Please print and return this form with a cheque or credit/debit card details to  

Sue Bullock, 104 Bonchurch Road, Brighton BN2 3PH 


NB Card details should not be sent by email.