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Shape your student experience: Nominate yourself in the SU elections
Posted on behalf of: The Students' Union
Last updated: Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Nominations are now open for Autumn Elections at the Students’ Union - your first chance this academic year to help to shape student life at the University of Sussex and the Students’ Union.
Elections take place this term for a big selection of positions - from roles on Student Union committees to Senior Course Reps who represent your course within the school, alongside Committee Reps who make sure the student voice is heard in high level University Committees where big decisions are made.
We’re also holding by-elections for several of our Part-Time Officer positions. Holders of these roles proactively represent the rights of the students in their specific student groups and ensure that the SU takes the views and needs of these students into account.
These roles are a great opportunity to develop your skills and build real-world examples of leadership, communication and relationship building on your CV.
You can nominate yourself quickly and easily online. The deadline for nominations is midday Thursday 9th October. You can also find out more about what’s involved in running for election by attending an information session (see ‘Democracy Events’ for the latest times).
If you have any questions, contact
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