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BBC centenary marked with fascinating new digital collections, cultural and academic partnerships
By: Ian Tout
Last updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2022
BBC History has launched three new online collections looking at the broadcaster’s most iconic objects, people, and contributors over the last century. One of the impressive collections, titled Voices of the BBC, has been curated by leading academics from the University of Sussex and partner institutions, and features prominently the work of Prof David Hendy and Dr Alban Webb. The project, produced in collaboration with the BBC, 100 Voices and Connected Histories of the BBC, is AHRC funded and shines a light on the hidden stories of broadcasting.
The project was originally divided into eight collections: Entertaining the UK, The BBC and the Cold War, The BBC and World War Two, Pioneering Women, People, Nation, Empire, Radio Reinvented, The Birth of TV, and Elections. In 2022 the final 100 Voices project will be published, entitled Inventing the Future.
Connected Histories of the BBC is based in the Sussex Humanities Lab and is led by Prof David Hendy (Principal Investigator). The team includes: Prof Tim Hitchcock, Prof Margaretta Jolly, and Dr Alban Webb, who are the co-investigators; Dr Anna-Maria Sichani, Research Fellow in Media History and Historical Data Modelling; Denice Penrose (administrator); and Dr Ben Jackson, John Hughes, and Mathilde Davidson.
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