Latest student news
Essential information and guidance
By: Maria Balboa Carbon
Last updated: Thursday, 2 September 2021
Today, 2 September, Kelly Coate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students emailed all taught students. You can read the message in full below:
Dear students,
In this update you can find about:
- Essential information and guidance
- Get Ready!
- Staying safe
- The Kindness Test
Essential information and guidance
We are currently updating the Student Hub pages in preparation for your arrival, so do check the Hub regularly for essential information, guidelines and news. If you can’t find what you need on the Student Hub you can use the Ask Us chat – just click on the Ask Us symbol on the Welcome page to connect to a colleague who can help you.
Please also make sure that you read these regular updates, check your Sussex email account regularly and read the emails the University sends to you – as just like the Student Hub, these are designed to empower you with information and guidance to ensure that you can make the most of your time at Sussex.
Get Ready!
The Get Ready phase of the Get Ready, Get Settled, Get Started programme for new and returning students began earlier this month. The first three stages A, B and C are available for you to explore now, they are a really important part of your welcome and induction to the University and are a great way to get ready for your life at Sussex
If you're returning to Sussex after a year of studying remotely, some things might feel new to you. Check our information for returning students on Canvasto help you get ready to return to campus.
Staying safe
Over two-thirds of young people in the UK have already had their first Covid-19 jab. We strongly encourage all students to get vaccinated unless they’re unable to due to medical reasons. As a thank you for keeping our community safe, we're offering ten £5,000 cash prizes to our fully vaccinated students. Find out how easy it is to get a Covid vaccine on the Student Hub.
You should also make sure your other vaccinations are up-to-date, especially for infectious diseases such as MMR and Meningitis. If you’re medically able to be vaccinated check with your Doctor to see if you may need these, or other vaccinations too.
The Kindness Test
Finally, Sussex Kindness Research and BBC Radio 4 have launched the largest public science project on kindness. Help us find out more about what being kind means by taking part in The Kindness Test.
With best wishes,
Kelly Coate
Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students