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Statement of support for students
By: Sean Armstrong
Last updated: Wednesday, 26 May 2021
The Chaplaincy, in line with the University of Sussex, has a commitment to inclusion. It intends its service to be for all students and members of staff, regardless of whether or not individuals subscribe to a particular faith tradition.
As an interfaith team, while we conscientiously intend to be inclusive in our service to the campus community, we too represent very different opinions across a range of issues. We also value opportunities to share our views and at times debate the merits of our respective positions, whether theological, philosophical or political.
We have witnessed the recent events unfolding in Israel and Palestine with immense sorrow. Responses from within different University constituencies have at times been a tribute to the moral compass and passion for justice evident among students and members of staff. Views and statements that have been circulated have been an indicator of this passion.
At times like this the need for respectful exchanges couldn’t be more important and sadly there have been instances where the rhetoric has spilt over into something different, particularly on social media.
We fully support debate, freedom of speech and the passionate spirit of activism that has been so much a part of our Sussex community over many decades. Our plea is that these be expressed with respect for all members of our campus community and have regard for the nuances of the situation.
Finally, I would like to affirm and re-iterate what was said at the beginning of this statement re: the presence of the Chaplaincy team as ‘here for you’, i.e. for every member of our campus community at a time when many are feeling angry and vulnerable, regardless of background.