Broadcast: News items
Council approves Proposal for Change
By: Alison Field
Last updated: Friday, 26 March 2010
Council, the University's governing body, today (Friday 26 March) approved a proposal to save £5 million a year from 2010-11.
The modified Proposal for Change contains 107 redundancies (down from the original 115). The number of new posts to be created remains the same, at 20. The Proposal had been modified as a result of consultation with unions and affected staff, which started in November 2009.
Council approved a maximum number of redundancies across each of the areas identified for change. The University will continue to explore ways to mitigate and reduce this number.
Following Council, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Michael Farthing, said: "Council endorsed the approach taken by the University to achieve the financial targets set in summer 2009 to address our deficit. This approach is in line with the strategic direction set by Council to continue to invest in potential growth, and to reduce spending in targeted areas."
"They also endorsed the view from Senate - the University's main academic body - that we have a pressing need to make the savings we have identified and to move ahead on the timetable that we have set out.
"This is what we will now focus on. All schools and units at Sussex now have that certainty of clear decisions made by Council, so together we can plan effectively for the academic year ahead."
Council also approved the four schemes for affected staff that have been developed in consultation with the trades unions so that changes can be achieved by voluntary means where feasible.
The Vice-Chancellor said: "We will do all we can to support staff through the changes ahead. We will be opening up these schemes to affected staff next week. They will help to avoid redundancy or mitigate the impact of redundancies."
Council also approved the creation of a Redundancy Committee, which includes two members nominated by Senate, and criteria for redundancy selection. The Redundancy Committee will meet for the first time in the week beginning 7 June.
Council agreed that the University should take the time available to continue to explore further ways to reduce redundancies. That work will continue with campus trade unions and affected staff up to 7 June.