The Centre for the Study of Corruption undertakes rigorous academic research to address the world’s major corruption issues.
Working Papers
CSC publishes working papers to make research results, accounts of work-in-progress and background information available to those concerned with the study of corruption and anti-corruption. Recent titles include:
- Gatekeepers, Enablers or Technicians [PDF 567.69KB]
- Corruption, human trafficking and UK borders [PDF 605.49KB]
- From Secrecy to Scrutiny: A New Map of Illicit Global Financial Networks and Regulation
- Examining the case for an Anti-Corruption Commissioner in the United Kingdom
- Corruption, Shell Companies and Financial Secrecy: Providing an evidence base for anti-corruption policy
- Corruption and Anti-Corruption Theory: an introductory guide for students
- A Bibliography for UK Corruption Studies
- Resourcing UK law enforcement to tackle grand corruption and kleptocracy
- Defining Corruption: a framework for defining corruption in context
- Corruption in UK Prisons: a critical evaluation of the evidence base
- The Role of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group in Influencing the Global Agenda
- Why Are There So Few Domestic Corruption Cases in the UK?
- Transparency in Emergency Procurement: Ten Recommendations for Policy Makers
- What Makes a Good Debarment Regime?
- The Governance of Corruption in the UK: who is in charge?
- The Role of UK Anti-Corruption Champion
- The Bribery Act 2010
- The Visual Politics of Corruption
- Internal Controls and Corruption: The case of Petrobras
- Controlling Corruption in Development Aid: New Evidence from Contract-Level Data