Social Science and Ethics Research Group
The Social Science and Ethics Group works to develop a platform for the collaborative study of both the social science of ethics and the ethics of social science. We aim both to foster interdisciplinary explorations of this area and provide a forum for the dissemination of of ongoing research through workshops, seminar series, and network-building.
Autumn 2020 Workshop: Methodologies in the Anthropology of Ethics
This workshop will examine the question of whether the expanding sub-field of the anthropology of ethics requires any special methodologies: how – if at all –anthropological enquiry into ethics should deviate from traditional ethnography and what methodological approaches should be applied to understanding morality in human social life. More details.
Autumn 2019 Seminar Series
The first Social Science and Ethics Seminar series is currently underway. Running 15:00-17:00 on Tuesday afternoons in C333, the series takes place weekly throughout term. More details.
Matthew Doyle: M.Doyle@sussex.ac.uk
James McMurray: J.Mcmurray@sussex.ac.uk
Santiago Ripoll: S.L.Ripoll@sussex.ac.uk