School of Psychology

Social Psychology (C8035)

Social Psychology

Module C8035

Module details for 2010/11.

12 credits

FHEQ Level 5

Module Outline

This course will provide an overview of major theories, methods, research findings and debates in social psychology. You will cover key areas of social cognition, including attitudes and perceiving self and others; group processes, including social influence in groups; group membership and identity, prejudice and contact between groups.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the successful student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of key theories and empirical findings in social psychology.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of research reports.
3. Critically evaluate and report empirical research.


Brown, R. (2000). 'Group Processes' (2nd edition). Oxford: Blackwell
Brown, R. (1995). 'Prejudice: Its Social Psychology'. Oxford: Blackwell
Hogg, M.A. & Vaughan, G.M. (2005). 'Social Psychology: An Introduction.' (4th edition). London: Prentice Hall.

Electronic journals available through PsycArticles and the Electronic Library.


The pre-requisites for this course are:

Introductio to Social Psychology (2006 entry)
Individual and Group (2007on entry)

Coursework components. Weighted as shown below.
Practical ReportSpring Week 6 100.00%
Unseen ExaminationSummer Term70.00%

Submission deadlines may vary for different types of assignment/groups of students.


Coursework components (if listed) total 100% of the overall coursework weighting value.

TermMethodDurationWeek pattern
Spring TermPractical2 hours001010000000
Spring TermLecture1 hour222222222200
Spring TermSeminar1 hour000000101000

How to read the week pattern

The numbers indicate the weeks of the term and how many events take place each week.

Dr Karen Long

Assess convenor, Convenor

Please note that the University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses and modules in accordance with the descriptions set out here. However, the University keeps its courses and modules under review with the aim of enhancing quality. Some changes may therefore be made to the form or content of courses or modules shown as part of the normal process of curriculum management.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the contents or methods of delivery of, or to discontinue, merge or combine modules, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the University. If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the University reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the University withdraws or discontinues a module, it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative module.