SCMR Events

The SCMR has a vibrant research community of migration scholars, doctoral researchers and MA students. We host a regular series of lively and well attended events.

Paul Statham presenting to a room of people at the SCMR conference 2021

SCMR events

The SCMR hosts regular events, including conferences, a seminar series, symposia and social events for the SCMR community. Our postgraduates also often organise their own student-led events with SCMR support.  

Our key annual event is an international conference in conjunction with the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (SCMR-JEMS Conference), where leading international scholars are invited to present their latest research; these conferences are usually attended by 120-200 people.

Along with the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change (MiSoC), the Essex Centre for Migration Studies and UEA Migration Network, SCMR supports an annual Cross-Institutional PhD Colloquium on Ethnicity and Migration.

Forthcoming events

Our spring 2025 seminar series schedule is available, you can view the schedule below.

Line-up of the events planned by SCMR in Spring 2025

Last Year's events

The 11th SCMR-JEMS Annual Conference will be on the 10th of October, 2024. You can register for this conference here, and see the poster, including the packed line-up here.

Our autumn 2024 seminar series schedule is available, and you can download the schedule here.

Details of events, such as seminars and symposia, will be shared via the SCMR email list. If you would like to be added to the SCMR mailing list, then please email   

We also advertise items on our social media channels.

Events archive

The SCMR seminar series has hosted a wealth of prominent international migration scholars, as well as providing a forum for SCMR members to share their work.

Have a read of the SCMR Seminar Series archive from 2008 onwards.

Below you can see photos and presenters from our annual conferences.   

Past SCMR-JEMS conferences