Research and events
The SCMR is a broad church for migration research that is theoretically informed and policy relevant. In the Sussex tradition, our distinctiveness comes through a genuinely interdisciplinary approach, a truly global focus and topical coverage, and a critical but empirically-informed stance.
Women working with threads, Shatila Camp, Lebanon (Photo: Yassine, 2021)
Migration research at Sussex
Our research projects are funded by academic funding bodies and government departments, including, among others, the ESRC and AHRC, the FCDO, the British Academy and European Union Framework programmes.
Projects held by SCMR researchers come in many shapes and forms, and cover many different aspects of migration. We have organised a selection of SCMR projects - past and present - into six broad thematic areas, albeit recognising the artificial lines between research fields this requires.
SCMR research events
Read more about our international conference, seminars and other research events