Think Again! Sense The Difference
Thursday 13 March 19:00 until 21:00
Brighton & Hove
Speaker: Claudia Hammond and panel from School of Psychology
Part of the series: Think Again!

On 13th March , Claudia takes us on a tour of the newest thinking on how we sense the world around us in ‘Sense the Difference’ with insights from psychologists from the University of Sussex: Professor Jamie Ward, Dr Louisa Rinaldi and Professor Gilly Forrester.
The panel will chat about everything from how senses develop, to why some people taste words or get overwhelmed by certain sounds, to how animals sense the world in ways that we can only dream about… or maybe not!? Strap in, and join in -as we delve into the world of sensory experiences. Enjoy an evening of cutting-edge science just for adults with an interactive Q&A. The show includes an interval with a pay bar.
The Panel:
Claudia is well known for presenting All in the Mind on BBC Radio 4 which covers psychology, neuroscience & mental health. She is Visiting Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University of Sussex.
Jamie is a researcher who uses methods from human neuroscience to understand how differences in brain organisation can give rise to unusual ways of experiencing the world, such as synaesthesia.
Louisa is a researcher specializing in sensory differences in both children and in adults. She looks at how different experiences of sensory information, both typical and unusual, positive and challenging, impact other aspects of how we think, feel, and live.
Gilly is an evolutionary and developmental psychologist. She researches with great apes and babies, studying how our minds and behaviour evolved and develop over time.
Posted on behalf of: School of Psychology
Further information:
Last updated: Wednesday, 12 February 2025