What exactly are equitable partnerships for sustainability research?
Posted on behalf of: Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
Last updated: Thursday, 22 February 2024

As we work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and creating a more sustainable and just world, fostering inclusion and equity becomes crucial. However, realising the SDGs requires unprecedented global partnerships between government, the private sector, civil society, and the research community.
To drive impactful, evidence-based sustainability research, we must cultivate an inclusive research culture and foster interdisciplinary collaborations which are equitable and mutually beneficial. But what makes research inclusive and what exactly are “equitable” collaborations? What benefits and impacts, or challenges and barriers are associated with establishing these? And how can they be maximised, or overcome?
The Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) Centre of Excellence will deal with these key questions in their upcoming “Equitable Partnerships for Sustainability Research” workshop taking place on Thursday, 29 February 2024, in the Conference Centre on Falmer campus. Chaired by Prof Robin Banerjee, University of Sussex Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global and Civic Engagement, this event promises to be a platform for dynamic discussions and knowledge-sharing on the intricacies of equitable research collaborations.
Nearly all SSRP-funded projects involve new or ongoing partnerships and external collaborations which support and enable our research community in carrying out excellent research. And only thanks to these partnerships our projects can have real-world impact, both locally and globally.
Sephora Imomoh, SSRP's newly appointed Senior Programme Manager and former Global Partnerships Manager within the University’s Global Engagement Team, shares her views on the pivotal role of partnerships for universities in advancing sustainability research: “Partnerships are crucial for institutions, they promote the cross pollination of ideas, help researchers and individuals develop diverse perspectives and solve real world problems. Researchers within the SSRP community are working in diverse often challenging contexts. In line with our commitment to promoting equitable research partnerships, SSRP is committed to mobilise the research community to do its part to ensure equity in those partnerships, so we’re excited to host this first workshop at Sussex and kickstart conversations around this crucial topic.”
Drawing on extensive experience and expertise across campus, including the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and the Institute of Development Studies, the event aims to unpack the concept of "equitable partnerships" for sustainability research.
Hear from a selection of insightful SSRP-funded projects, spanning collaborative research on sustainable agriculture in conflict zones in Northwest Syria; biodiversity and human rights in tropical forests of Ecuador; and the links between HIV treatment, drought, and poverty in South Africa.
Additionally, the workshop will outline initial tips for building and nurturing such partnerships, while also discussing common challenges and ways to overcome any barriers, inviting researchers on campus and their international project partners to share their insights.
What to expect in a nutshell:
- A review of the Institute of Development Studies' extensive experience in setting up equitable partnerships over several decades, presented by IDS Director of Research Prof Peter Taylor
- Insights on fostering global engagement and partnerships at Sussex, shared by Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global and Civic Engagement Prof Robin Banerjee
- A lively panel discussion on the definition, characteristics, possible barriers and requirements of equitable partnerships in sustainability research featuring SSRP project leads and their international partners from Ecuador, Syria and South Africa
- Plenty of time for Q&As with the panellists, followed by an open discussion on the topic
Your Participation matters:
Register now to join SSRP and fellow sustainability enthusiasts in this dynamic exchange of ideas. Learn more about equitable research and feed into the discussions by sharing your own insights and experiences as a sustainability researcher.