Free film screening for International Women’s Day to examine the role of gender in science
By: April Yeatman
Last updated: Monday, 27 February 2023

Promotional poster for the film screening
The Schools of Engineering and Informatics and Life Sciences at the University of Sussex are co-hosting a screening of the film Picture a Scientist in recognition of International Women’s Day.
Picture a Scientist, by filmmakers Ian Cheney and Sharon Shattuck, is a feature-length documentary that uses a combination of statistics and personal experiences to examine the role of gender in science, especially why women remain a minority. The film tells the stories of a chemist, a geologist, and a biologist, as they explore their experiences in overcoming years of discrimination and harassment to transform the working culture in their respective fields. It also explores how scientific disciplines can be made more diverse, equitable and open to all. A trailer for the film is available on Vimeo.
The screening, organised by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion teams in the Schools of Engineering and Informatics and Life Sciences will take place at 2 pm on Wednesday 8 March in the Chichester 1 Lecture Theatre, and is open to all staff and students.
Dr Elizabeth Rendon-Morales, Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and EDI champion in the School of Engineering and Informatics, said “We are glad to screen the Picture a scientist film in IWD as part of our efforts to continue raising awareness on unconscious biases and how best we can promote equity in science. By highlighting stories of three extraordinary female scientists, the film provides an excellent opportunity for reflexion and encouragement on how best we can all together make science itself more diverse and equitable”.
Dr Louise Newnham, Senior Lecturer in Genome Stability and Athena Swan academic lead in Life Sciences, said “The film showcases the experiences of several prominent female researchers and the various forms of inequality they have faced in their careers. Whilst the film serves to highlight how much has changed for the better in academia, it also reminds us of the subtler ways in which women can be discriminated against or excluded".
The School of Engineering and Informatics will also be holding a display of women in Engineering and Informatics professions in the Chichester Lecture Theatre foyer from 6-12 March to celebrate women who are doing or have done incredible work in these fields.