Pedagogic Revolution – Showcase event for the newly rebuilt Skills Hub
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Wednesday, 1 June 2022

The Pedagogic Revolution continues at pace, and its next event will be a virtual showcase of the improvements to the Skills Hub, which is being redeveloped to provide all staff at Sussex involved in teaching with a new academic skills resource. Attendees will also help to shape and inform the final version of the resource before it is launched in September.
The event will be held on the 10 June, at 10am – 10:45 and is aimed at Directors of Teaching and Learning, module convenors, course lecturers and academic advisers and all others who have an interest in academic skills. You can secure your place at the event.
Attendees will see how the Skills Hub is being developed and the enhanced learning materials that have been designed to support student academic skills development.
These new resources are being designed to enable all involved in teaching to embed materials easily into their teaching materials, or direct students directly to them on the new platform.
The Skills Hub will be launched in September, and an important aim of the event is to garner feedback to help refine the final stages of the Skills Hub’s redevelopment work – so all staff involved in teaching are very welcome.
Benefits for attendees:
- Attending this session will help to create a final Skills Hub that will better support staff when embedding academic skills into teaching
- See what resources will be available to import directly into canvas sites and use in teaching sessions with students
- Have the opportunity to feed in your ideas and suggestion on how academic skills and teaching resources can be further improved at Sussex
- Hear about the range of benefits that have been identified through research on how supporting students to develop their academic skills, leads to more engaged, independent and self-aware learners – who can articulate their skills for employability; and whilst studying have a more developed sense of belonging at the University which provided benefits in terms of student retention and improving student satisfaction.
How to secure your place at the Skills Hub event
If you’d like to attend signing up is easy via Eventbrite.