Sussex Neuroscience celebrate research with family-friendly event
By: Jessica Gowers
Last updated: Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Scientists at the University of Sussex are celebrating Neuroscience research at a free family-friendly event on campus.
The event, which takes place on 8th June, will see members of Sussex Neuroscience showcase their research with public lectures and hands-on activities.
Professor Louise Serpell, Co-Director of Sussex Neuroscience, said: “This event will be an excellent opportunity to celebrate the fantastic Neuroscience research happening at Sussex with members of the University and our local community.”
Researchers will engage with attendees with soapbox-style short talks and hands-on activities, covering a wide range of brain research, from the causes of dementia to mouse navigation.
The event will also see two public lectures; Dr Charlotte Rae, School of Psychology, will explore the effect of a four day working week on brain, mind and body and Professor Miguel Maravall, will explore how mouse whiskers link with behaviour.
The University of Sussex has one of the highest densities of Neuroscience faculty of any university in the UK, with about 50 research groups.
These diverse groups make up the Sussex Neuroscience community and are based in the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and the University of Sussex Schools of Life Sciences, Psychology and Engineering and Informatics.
The event, which is suitable for children, will take place from 4.30 to 8pm on 8 June in the Terrace Room of Bramber House.
While free, booking is essential.