Forecasting with fishers
A fisherman keeps his mobile phone in a waterproof plastic pouch. Fishers routinely carry basic handsets that can help them communicate up to ten miles from the shore.
RP1 Hazards and cultural understanding
- Ethnographic research in three study villages
- House-to-house surveys, formal and semi-formal interviews, collection of life-histories
- Participant observation
RP2 Tracking daily fishing forays
- Tracking fishing trips with logs and “fishing diaries”
- Individual interviews and focus group discussions on fishers’ knowledge about weather/sea conditions and their use of forecasts
RP3 Climate science & weather observation
- Collating scientific data on local atmospheric and weather conditions
- Fishers’ direct observations (RP2), and daily forecasts provided by the project’s collaborators at the India Meteorological Department (IMD), and the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS).
- Focus groups and sharing of feedback with IMD and INCOIS.
RP4 Co-producing bespoke weather bulletins
- Dissemination of IMD and INCOIS forecasts in the local language (Malayalam) through multiple channels of Radio Monsoon, including loudspeakers at boat-launching sites or main village spaces, free online/mobile service through the server our tech partner Gram Vaani and VHF radio.
- Weekly focus groups and individual interviews with fishers for feedback on the accuracy and usefulness of the weather forecasts; feedback sharing with IMD and INCOIS.
- Development and testing of alternative platforms and technologies in collaboration with local fishers, and fishers’ organisations as well as local partners
Top banner image: Rain clouds gather off the shore of Puthiyathura, a traditional fishing village.