School of Global Studies

The Afterlives of Urban Muslim Asia: Alternative Imaginaries of Society and Polity

In the context of upheaval in Muslim Asia, studies of the region's urban centres and migrant communities can offer critical insights into identities that transcend sectarian and national identity and enable greater sensitivity in heritage preservation.

Yet, it is widely accepted that conflict and large-scale migrations over the past century, of minorities and Muslims, has led to 'decosmopolitanisation'. This project will provide new empirical data and analysis of Muslim Asia's legacy of cosmopolitan urban living in the context of migration and conflict. Its empirical focus is on four cities: Herat, Kabul, Aleppo, and Bukhara. It will explore the experiences of ethno-religious minorities and the extent to which legacies of cosmopolitan urban life remain a vital aspect of the cities' Muslim populations. We anticipate that by doing so the project will enable greater sensitivity in urban heritage policy and have a transformative effect on public perceptions about Muslim Asia.

The project is a collaboration between the University of Sussex (School of Global Studies and the Sussex Asia Centre), the University of Copenhagen (Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies), and the University of Cambridge (Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies). The project’s partner in Afghanistan is the Afghanistan Institute of Strategic Studies.

This project commenced in January 2022 and it is funded by a grant from the AHRC.


About the project

While it is widely accepted that conflict and large-scale migrations over the past century, of minorities and Muslims, has led to 'decosmopolitanisation' of Muslim Asia’s cities, we have also seen that interreligious relations actually persist, but often unrecognised, in older and newer diasporic contexts, and in appeals to a shared urban heritage. The historic presence of ethno-religious minorities in Muslim Asia’s urban centres is also a source of intellectual activity, political debate, and cultural imagination in the region. Influential actors–merchants, intellectuals, artists, and politicians - advance geographical imaginaries that contest both modern conceptions of the secular nation-state as well as sectarianised notions of culture and polity. The cultural basis for such imaginaries is often to be found in historical and cultural imaginings of Asia’s cities which have been ‘branded’ by national and international actors as ‘cultural heritage’ sites. This comparative research programme proposes to analyse the ways in which both everyday living and projects of the imagination invoke urban imaginaries, and the extent to which these transcend (or reinforce) religious, sectarian, national and ethnic boundaries. It will deliver a novel approach to the significance of urban heritage to politics and culture in Muslim Asia, challenge one-dimensional understandings of Muslim-non-Muslim relationships, and respond to an urgent need for younger generations of the diasporas understudy to have access to material relating to their backgrounds.

  1. Instead of focusing on the declining diversity of Muslim Asia’s urban centres, we will investigate their afterlives. By deploying the term ‘afterlives’ we seek to bring attention to the ongoing significance of the cultural legacies of urban centres in places elsewhere and amongst communities whose ‘names’ identify them with past residence in particular cities. The project will seek to document variation in the degree to which the selected urban centres continues to be a powerful source of identity and ask what accounts for such variation.

  2. A second focus will be the cultural, geographic, and political imaginaries in which the selected cities play a role today. This aspect of the project will necessitate an ethnographic engagement with the cities' Muslim majority populations. This aspect of the project will necessitate an ethnographic engagement with key categories of actors – merchants, intellectuals, artists, and politicians – active in the promotion of discourses of urban heritage, and also with a broad range of architectural, textual, visual, poetic, culinary and literary genres, some of which have been formally identified as constituting ‘intangible heritage’.

  3. By focusing on lived practices and activities in the present-day, the project will go beyond the tendency evident in much scholarship on emigrant minority communities to dwell on the centrality of nostalgia and memory to their collective and individual identities. It will seek, instead, to understand the transmission of habits and modes of urban living to new locales and their ongoing circulation in historic urban centres themselves. In particular, we will focus in diaspora communities on the ability to make connections across boundaries as an especially powerful aspect of the legacy of cosmopolitan living in Muslim Asia’s urban centres.
The cities

Afterlives will focus on the persistence or avoidance of interreligious relations between Muslims and non-Muslims and the modes by which these either elicit or invoke shared urban sensibilities. The project will achieve these aims by means of a comparative programme of research on the after lives of four carefully selected urban centres in Muslim Asia: Kabul and Herat (Afghanistan), Aleppo (Syria) and Bukhara (Uzbekistan).

Each of these urban centres have historically been home to sizeable communities of ethno-religious minorities, including Jews, Christians, Sikhs and Hindus. Each of these centres has also witnessed large-scale migration of ethno-religious minorities over the past century - this process, though, has occurred at different time scales and in relationship to contrasting political processes that have been regional, national, and global in their scope. In terms of being the focus for attempts to restore and maintain their tangible and intangible heritage, these cities occupy different points along a spectrum. In the period before the current conflict, Aleppo’s residents witnessed multiple waves of urban heritage activity. Since 2002, Kabul and Herat have seen limited projects of urban heritage restoration – especially by the Aga Khan Foundation - that focus on historic buildings. By contrast, Bukhara has been the site of long-term and often intrusive forms of tangible and intangible heritage renewal and preservation over several decades; most recently in the context of ‘Silk Road’ tourism. 

Kabul and Herat: Afghanistan

Afghanistan was home to substantial communities of Hindus, Sikhs and Jews throughout much of the twentieth century. These communities played a central role in the historic trade in commodities between South and Central Asia and remained an important aspect of Afghanistan’s economy during the twentieth century. Most of the country’s Jews had emigrated to Israel and the USA by 1952. The onset of civil war in 1992 resulted in the emigration of most Hindus and Sikhs. Communities established themselves in Hamburg and Long Island (especially Hindus) and London, Birmingham and Amsterdam (Sikhs), and New York, Tel Aviv and Bangkok (Jews). Few Hindu and Sikh families remain in Afghanistan; ongoing residency is uncertain, especially given new provision in India for religious-based naturalisation.

Bukhara: Uzbekistan

The Emirate of Bukhara was home to a substantial Jewish community identifying themselves as ‘Bukharan’ and speaking a Judaeo-Persian language. In the years following the Bolshevik revolution, many Jewish and Muslim merchant families from the region emigrated –many moved to Afghanistan, others travelled to Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula, and the Russian Empire. Many Jews who had arrived in Afghanistan from Soviet Central Asia left for India, Israel, and the USA. Bukhara’s Muslim exiled communities settled in Afghanistan; wealthier families relocated in the 1970s to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States. In the 1980s, a wave of Bukharan Jews migrated to New York and Vienna.  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, further Bukharan Jews migrated to Israel and New York. In the 2000s, the ‘Bukharan’ presence in New York was bolstered by substantial labour migration into the city of Muslims (especially from Samarqand).  Bukharan Jews and Muslims are now well-established in New York and New Jersey.

Aleppo: Syria

The late 19th century witnessed a largely economic migration of the Jews of greater Syria, mainly to Egypt, Europe and the Americas. By the turn of the century, Aleppo was home to around 7,000 Jews. The majority worked in commercial occupations; the wealthiest, engaged in international trade, were connected to diasporic networks in Marseilles, London, Paris, Vienna, Milan, and Manchester. Many of humbler origins left Aleppo after 1909 to escape conscription into Ottoman armies, most heading to the Americas. Some migrated to Palestine for religious and ideological reasons. The establishment of Israel in 1948, and the conflict between Arab nationalism and Zionism, led to further migration. The second half of the twentieth century saw a succession of tightening and easing of restrictions on the ability of Aleppine Jews to travel beyond Syria’s national borders; a major relaxation of restrictions in 1992 led to the emigration of the great majority of the 4,000 Jews left in Aleppo. Today, the Aleppine Jewish community in New York is one of the largest diasporic settlements, numbering between 20,000 and 40,000. Many initially continued the trades they had practiced in Syria, forming a merchant diaspora.


We will assess the range of ways in which the urban centres under investigation have and have not maintained significance as sites of identity, visitation and heritage tourism, investment and political engagement. Our twin focus will be on the cities’ dispersed populations and those actively involved in the production and dissemination of knowledge about them. Afterlives will thus conduct research on the persistence or avoidance of interreligious relations between Muslims and non-Muslims and the modes by which these either elicit or invoke shared urban sensibilities. We will conduct ethnographic fieldwork amongst migrant minority and Muslim communities in London, Manchester, Bangkok, New York, Jerusalem, Istanbul, and Vienna, and in the selected cities themselves (in Bukhara, Herat and Kabul; conditions in Aleppo do not currently allow for fieldwork).

1) The project will generate empirical data on temporal and geographic dispersal from the selected cities. We will map flows of people through space and time by conducting textual and visual research.

2) The project will investigate how projects of imagination – such as notions of Aleppines being the heirs of a unique 'Eastern Spirit' and the idea that Herat in Khorasan was an inclusive cultural realm – are produced and sustained, and explore how they transcend and reinforce religious, sectarian, national and ethnic boundaries. To do so we will investigate emergent configurations of culture, history, identity and geography in Muslim Asia by exploring the significance of relationships and exchanges between Muslim and ethno-religious minorities to imagination in the region today.  We will identify and interview in-depth key actors involved in the active production of imaginaries (intellectuals, musicians, chefs, poets, as well as local, national and diaspora-oriented politicians and activists). We will record the genres (visual, literary, musical, culinary) in which such imaginations are generated and sustained.  We will explore the implication of architectural reconstruction on such imaginaries by way of visits to key sites, and interviews with relevant heritage specialists, local and national policy-makers, activists, pilgrims/tourists, and custodians.

3) Given declining levels of religious diversity in urban centres, it is widely assumed that Silk Road-era commercial relationships between Muslim and non-Muslim merchants are no longer of relevance. Yet our recent fieldwork has shown that Muslim and Sikh traders from Afghanistan interacted from 1980s onwards in London and Moscow, while Aleppine Jews in New York bought cloth from Muslim suppliers in Aleppo. To explore such interreligious commercial relationships in detail we will carry out in-depth ethnographic work with diasporic merchants in key trading sites - markets, shops and warehouses - and explore documentary and archival material in the form of biographies and auto-biographies of merchants, company records, and oral history interviews.

4) To research the ‘doing’ of connectivity, and, more generally, the role played tacit modes of acting across lines of difference in sustaining cultural and religious sensibilities of urban living this project will focus on specific practices (e.g. of financial entrustment, institution building), rituals (both religious and secular), expressions of sociality (e.g. of neighbourhood life and community commensality), and topographies (e.g. of cemeteries, sacred sites, and market-places). We will gather this material in order to analyse the role these practices have played in facilitating and constraining the cultivation of legacies of collective urban living over time and space in migrant contexts and communities.


Team Members:

Professor Magnus Marsden (University of Sussex, Anthropology)

Magnus Marsden is the project’s Principal Investigator. He will conduct research on the afterlives of Kabul and Herat, focusing especially on the trajectories of these cities’ Sikh, Hindu and Jewish populations.

Dr Paul Anderson (University Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies; Assistant Director, HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, Cambridge University)

Paul Anderson will conduct research on Aleppo, exploring the significance of the city for the identities of its diasporic communities.

Dr Vera Skvirskaja (Associate Professor Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen).

Vera Skrviskaja’s work will concern Bukhara, focusing especially on the relationships between Bukharan Muslims and Jews and the ways in which these are shaped by their relationship to the city.

International Advisory Board:

Professor Shah Mahmoud Hanifi (History, James Madison University)

Professor Thomas Loy (Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)

Professor Jonathon Shannon (Anthropology, Hunter College).


The first edition of the Afterlives Newsletter is available here

The second edition of the Afterlives Newsletter is available here

The third edition of the Afterlives Newsletter is available here

The fourth edition of the Afterlives Newsletter is available here

Occasional Papers

Research Report - The Social Institutions of the United Kingdom’s “Afghan” Communities

Research Report - The Transformation of Afghanistan’s Commercial Networks Post 2021

Research Report - Non-Muslim Heritage of Muslim Asia

Digital Archive and Collections

Whittingehame College 2023 Reunion:

Jack Abraham's Interview:   


Stanley Cohen's Interview:   


Elly Zubaida's Interview:   


Louis Mandel and Ernest Sinyor's Interview:   


Michael Arwas’ Interview:   


Massoud Gilardy's Interview:   


David Khafi's Interview:   


Eli Ben-Zaken's Interview:   


Anton Loew's Interview:   


Dibbo Attar's Interview:   


Ernest Sinyor's Interview:   


Louis Mandel's Interview:   


Relevant publications 

Relevant publications by project members:

The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies have published a special 'Afterlives' edition, featuring contributions from the researchers Magnus Marsden, Vera Skvirskaja and Paul Anderson 

Vera Skvirskaja published "Twisted Trajectories and Jewish-Muslim Interfaces: Bukharan Jews of Central Asia in Vienna" in The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 41(2): 57-81, DOI: 10.22439/cjas.v41i2.7107

Magnus Marsden published an article in The Conversation titled "Khorasan: why many Afghanistan citizens are pushing back against the term’s association with terrorism"

Paul Anderson published "A Circulation Society, Reconsidered: Syrian Jewish Merchant Networks After the Exodus from Aleppo" in The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, 2024.

Magnus Marsden and Vera Skvirskaja co-write an article that is published on the Hromrada Network online:  "‘Non-traditional’ Immigrants in the Political Economy of Ukraine: Ukrainian Afghans"

Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies Afterlives issue, April 2024

Magnus Marsden published an article in The Edinburgh Press titled "The Demolition of Jeddah and the Relocation of a Neighbourhood in Turkey"

Magnus Marsden published an article titled "How central Asian Jews and Muslims worked together in London’s 20th-century fur and carpet trade" in The Conversation

Magnus Marsden published a paper titled "Adjusting scales: Jewish trading networks in and beyond Afghanistan, 1950-present-day". History and Anthropology, 1-20, 2023

Magnus Marsden, 2023, published a paper on "Intellectual exchanges in Muslim Asia: Intersections of history and geography". In Copeman, J. Et al. An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions and Ethics in Asia and Beyond. New York: Berghahn

Magnus Marsden, 2023, has an article published on the transformations of Afghanistan's commercial networks in the 9/11 legacies project -  Islamist Radicalism in the Balkans (

Magus Marsden and Vera Skvirskaja, 2023, produce an article for Zentralasien-Analysen

Magnus Marsden, 2023, wrote a blog post published on the FifteenEightyFour website, by Cambridge University Press

Vera Skvirskaja, 2023, published an article in The Bukharian Times, titled ‘Samarkand’s Secret Recipe: Jewish Shashlik'

Magnus Marsden, 2022, published a chapter in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (Oxford University Press). The chapter is called 'Global Mobile Afghanistan c. 1900–Present'

Magnus Marsden, 2022, has an article published titled 'Beyond State-Centrism, Towards Acknowledging Relationality: Understanding Afghanistan from an Inter-Asian Perspective,' it appears in Ethnoscripts, Vol. 24, Issue 1

Magnus Marsden and Vera Skvirskaja, 2022, publish an article addressing the connections between the refugee crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan and advocated for better recognition of these in the development of refugee policy.

Magnus Marsden published an article (Farsi) on Afghanistan’s Jewish history for Nowruz Radio.

Marsden, Magnus. 2021. Beyond The Silk Roads: Trade, Mobility and Geopolitics across Eurasia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marsden, Magnus. 2020. ‘The alternative histories of Muslim Asia’s urban centres: De-cosmopolitanisation and beyond’. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 38(1):8-31.

Marsden, Magnus. 2018. ‘Beyond Bukhara: Trade, identity and interregional exchange across Asia’. History and Anthropology 29(sup1):S84-S100.

Magnus Marsden (2018) Islamic cosmopolitanism out of Muslim Asia: Hindu–Muslim business co-operation between Odessa and Yiwu, History and Anthropology, 29:1, 121-139,

Anderson, Paul. Forthcoming. Civic Contestations: Merchants, Markets and Urban Order in Pre-Conflict Syria. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Anderson, Paul. 2020. Not a Silk Road: trading networks between China and the Middle East as a dynamic interaction of competing Eurasian geographies. Global Networks20(4), pp.708-724.

Anderson, Paul. 2018. “Aleppo in Asia: Mercantile Networks between Syria, China and (Post-) Soviet Eurasia since 1970”. History and Anthropology 29: S67-S83.

Caroline Humphrey, Magnus Marsden, and Vera Skvirskaja. 2019. Cosmopolitanism in the City: Interaction and Coexistence in Bukhara. In S. Mayaram, The Other Global City, London: Routledge.

    • Professor Magnus Marsden has spent his research time in the final months of the project conducting archival research into the trade in Karakul furs. Having explored documents in the India Office Records (British Library), the Hudson's Bay Company (Manitoba Archives) and the National Archives (Kew) he sifted through the professional journals of the fur trade in order to glean insights into the dynamics of the trade in Karakul skins and the role of actors from Central Asia and Afghanistan in it between the 1920s and the 1970s. Magnus has read in particular consecutive issues across this period of the British Fur Trade and Fur Review journals in the British Library and consulted the Women's Wear Daily available at UCL Library. Magnus has also held meetings with people from Afghanistan involved in the fur trade in the 1980s who currently live in London, including people from villages in which the sheep were raised and a former executive of the Pashtany Tijorati Bank that financed traders involved in the export of Karakul skins between the 1950s and 1980s.


    • On Tuesday 10th December 2024, Professor  Magnus Marsden was invited to the Farsi Action Foundation office in Uxbridge to discuss his research on the Karakul fur trade. He was fortunate to meet several people from northern Afghanistan in London who were active in the Karakul trade in the 1980s and 1990s.


    • Dr. Vera Skvirskaja conducted fieldwork in several locations in Uzbekistan, focusing on the former Jewish neighborhoods in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara, as well as the reconstruction and maintenance of Jewish cemeteries. The centrally located former Jewish mahalla in Tashkent has become a popular destination for affluent foreigners and, more recently, Chinese property investors, rapidly altering the visual character of the neighborhood. In Samarkand, the new owners of former Jewish properties have reconstructed old buildings (some classified by UNESCO as cultural heritage) to make them livable and/or adapt them to different cultural aesthetics and commercial demands. The Jewish cemeteries have undergone significant gentrification, financed by the global Bukharan Jewish diaspora and, in the case of the city of Bukhara, supported by the regional administration. This gentrification has, however, not only improved the cemeteries' infrastructure and taken care of abandoned graves but has also generated new tensions regarding entitlements, reconstruction templates and the distribution of resources. 


Converted part of the old Jewish Quarter 
Bukhara Cemetery Graves 
A new Uzbek owner of a former Jewish property in the mahalla Shark shows Vera her new book about her noble family’s history

A new Uzbek owner of a former Jewish property in the mahalla Shark shows Vera her new book about her noble family’s history

Graves at an old Bukharan cemetery

Building that has been converted in the former Jewish Mahalla

Chinese Hotel in a former Jewish Mahalla, Tashkent

Chinese hotel in the former Jewish mahalla (neighbourhood), Tashkent

    • Professor Magnus Marsden visited Leipzig and Berlin, 1 - 4th December 2024. In Leipzig he consulted documents relating to the Karakul fur trade in the State archives and visited sites of historical importance to the trade. In Berlin, he held a meeting with staff at the Haus der Kulturen Der Welt who have commissioned him to write a book chapter exploring the relevance of his work for the Afterlives project to the forthcoming exhibition 'Musafiri: Travellers and Guests'.

Prof. Marsden at the Haus der Kulturen Der Welt 

Thorer Villa photograph. The Villa was constructed by Curt Thorer in 1897.  

(Above) Thorer Villa. The Villa was constructed by Curt Thorer in 1897. The Thorer family were the leading traders in Karakul fur in Leipzig from the middle of the nineteenth century until World War II. In the early 1900s, they also opened offices in Tashkent.

Photograph of the Leipzig State Archives building


    • On 18th November 2024 Professor Magnus Marsden gave a talk to students at Varndean College in Brighton about the project and it's insights into understanding Afghanistan's place in the modern world.


    • Professor Magnus Marsden presented a seminar at the Sussex Asia Centre on 15th November entitled "After the Silk Road: the Karakul Fur Trade and the World".


    • In November, Moska Najib traveled to Copenhagen to curate the exhibition at the Royal Danish Library, South Campus. The exhibition was sponsored by the Asian Dynamic Initiative at the University of Copenhagen. At the opening, it was welcomed by Dr. Trine Brox, Head of Research at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies. Vera Skvirskaja introduced the "Afterlives" project to an audience that included members of the Danish Afghan community. The opening also featured a talk between Moska and Professor Mette Sandbye from the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, who specializes in photography and memory in contemporary art and society more broadly. Professor Sandbye highlighted the groundbreaking nature of the Afterlives project in that it has brought a professional photographer on board for the ethnographic research project and acknowledged the importance of visual storytelling from the start.
      The exhibition will remain on display until mid-January 2025.

Moska Discussing the Collection with Mette (2) People viewing the photographs in the collectionVera Speaking at the Copenhagen Exhibition Mette, Moska & Vera at the Copenhagen Exhibition


    • On October 23rd, Professor Magnus Marsden presented a talk to the Forum for Uzbek and Silk Road studies organised by Westminster International University Tashkent. The title of his talk was ‘This crazy but completely fascinating business: The Karakul Trade in London and Beyond, 1924-1970’.


    • During the course of visiting New York in August 2024, Professor Magnus Marsden shared project results with the following associations: Hekmat Foushanji (Afghan American Trading Company), Jack Abrahams (Afghan Jewish community), Abdullah Khwajah (Turkestanian American Association, New Jersey), and the Committee of the Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara (Afghan Sikhs, Long Island). In addition to discussing the project's research, opportunities for further collaborations were also explored.

 Magnus Marsden visiting with Afghan Sikhs in Long Island, New York, August 2024

Magnus Marsden with Jack Abrahams (from the Afghan Jewish community), New York, August 2024

A wall display

    • On 8th August 2024, Professor Magnus Marsden discussed the project's findings with Uzbekistan's Ambassador to the UK, Ravshan Usmanov.

Prof. Marsden with Uzbekistan's Ambassador

    • On Sunday 28th July, Professor Magnus Marsden organised and attended an event at the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Surrey, Vancouver, to share the findings of the project with the Afghan Sikh community in Canada. Magnus gave a talk about the project and presented members of the community with a booklet of Moska Najib's exhibition displayed at SOAS, University of London.

Professor Marsden standing with members of the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Surrey, Vancouver

    • On 20th July 2024, Professor Magnus Marsden attended the 25th anniversary of the Great Bala Pritam Gurmat Samagam in Hayes, London. During the event he gave a speech on the distinctive contributions of Afghan Sikhs, received an award from the community and presented Dr Khurana with a certificate of recognition for his scholarly activities on behalf of the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex. Other invited guests included Seema Malhotra MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Home Office.

Attendees at an anniversary event for the Great Bala Pritam Gurmat Samagam

Prof. Marsden visiting associates in London who supported the research of the project


    • Dr. Paul Anderson has conducted life history interviews with Armenians from Aleppo focusing on relations with Muslims and economic activities before during and since the civil war. These have been conducted in Yerevan (January, May, August 2024) and in Kuwait (May 2024). He has also administered questionnaires and conducted remote interviews with Muslim Aleppines in Aleppo, Gaziantep and Istanbul on their experiences and perceptions of neighbourhoods which were home to Jews and Armenians. Finally, he has been consulting Arabic chronicles and memoirs of Jewish-majority areas in Aleppo to better understand their historical development and the ways in which they have been rendered as heritage subjects.


    • Professor Magnus Marsden has been contextualising his ethnographic work through time in the archives. In the UK, he has consulted records relating to the activities of Jews, Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan at the British Library, the National Archives, and the London Archives. Most recently, he travelled to Winnipeg in Canada in order to visit the Manitoba Archives, the holding place of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. The Hudson's Bay Company was the principal agent in the sale of Afghan Kararkul fur in the twentieth century, a trade in which both Jews and Muslims from Afghanistan and Central Asia played a pivotal role. 
Photo of the Hudson's Bay Company department store in Winnipeg

The Hudson's Bay Company department store in Winnipeg opened in 1926 and operated on the premises until it's eventual closure in 2020. It was subsequently gifted by Hudson's Bay Company to the Southern Chief's Organization that represents first nations citizens living in southern Manitoba

Model in London wearing a coat made from Afghan Karakul fur (Hudson's Bay Company archives, 1950s.)

Model in London wearing a coat made from Afghan Karakul fur (Hudson's Bay Company archives, 1950s.)


    • After the photo exhibition ‘Belonging Flexibly’ in London, Vera Skvirskaja conducted some brief fieldwork in Vienna, focusing on the publishing activities and plans of Bukharan Jewish activists, meeting members of the Bukharan Jewish community who featured in the photo exhibition and/or facilitated the shooting session, as well as attending a Bukhran Jewish women’s study group. Vera noted there is a desire to popularise the knowledge about the Bukharan Jewish in Vienna (and Europe) - both their historical background, migration pathways and especially as their membership in the wider, national Jewish community of Austria - to the general public. This year (in November), the Bukharans will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their community in Austria. Looking back, they are particularly proud of becoming a presence in Austrian public and political life. Recently, the Bukharan Jewish community has taken part in providing first assistance to the Jewish refugees from the war-affected Ukraine and facilitated their smooth introduction to Austrian society. Vera has followed up on the links between the Bukharan and Ukrainian Jewish communities in Vienna to map new transnational connections of this global diaspora.


    • 11th July 2024, the Afterlives project held a conference at SOAS, University of London. The aim of the conference was to share and debate the project’s findings with participating communities, relevant government officials and heritage experts, the general public and relevant scholars. The first panel was chaired by Qaisra Khan (Curator at The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art). The speakers were Magnus Marsden (University of Sussex), Vera Skvirskaja (Copenhagen University), Paul Anderson (University of Cambridge), and Sudaba Zahidi (AISS). The second panel was chaired by Dawood Azami (Multi-Media Editor, BBC World Service). The speakers were Moska Najib (Afterlives project photographer), Thomas Loy (Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences and Afterlives Advisory Board member), Faisal Devji (University of Oxford) and Shah Mahmoud Hanifi (James Madison University and Afterlives Advisory Board Member).

      The event was attended by representatives of various community associations in the UK, past and present government officials of the UK and Afghanistan, leading experts in the field of Islamic heritage presentation, members of the public, postgraduate students, and leading academics. 

      The 'Afterlives' researchers and photographer

      The project's researchers, along with photographer Moska Najib

      Discussants on the first Panel, talking about their research Faisal Devji talking on Panel 2 

      Discussants on the first Panel, talking about their research

      Members of Panel 1, discussing the research 

      Discussants on the second Panel, talking about their research

      Members of Panel 2

      In the evening the Afterlives project launched a photography exhibition by the project photographer Moska Najib. The exhibition - entitled Belonging Flexibly: Non-Muslim Migrants from Muslim Asia - is on display until September at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS. During the launch, Moska Najib introduced the photographs. In addition, representatives of a wide range of community organisations established by Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan resident in the UK shared the impressions of the photographs and the relevance of them and the project more generally to their communities in and beyond London. 

 Opening addresses made at the launch of the exhibition 

Opening addresses made at the launch of the exhibition

Crowd gathered to watch the opening addresses Crowd watching the opening addresses at the launch of the exhibition Person viewing photos in the exhibition Vera showing the exhibition's promotional material

    • 23rd June 2024, Professor Magnus Mardsen attended the 6th International Conference organised by the Nehkaame Sewa Trust, Guru Hargobind Singh Trust, along with all Afghan related organisations and Sadh Sangat at the Guru Nanak Sikh Academy, Hayes London. Magnus was presented with an award for his research on the Afghan Sikh and Hindu community by the conference organisaers.

 6th Intl. Conference attendees on a stage


    • 19th - 21st June 2024, Project team members Professor Magnus Marsden, Dr. Vera Skvirskaja and Dr. Paul Anderson, alongside researcher Shahla Muram presented Papers at a panel entitled 'Mobile Societies, Coexistence and the Unbounding of Central Asia.

 Vera Skvirskaja presenting a Paper at a panel




    • The Afterlives team are preparing to celebrate the launch of the project's exhibition "Belonging Flexibly", which takes place at the Brunei Gallery at SOAS and showcases a stunning range of photos from our project photographer, Moska Najib. In addition to the exhibition, that opens 11th July, the researchers will hold a Roundtable event featuring research outputs from the team, stakeholders and members of the communities involved in the project.

To find out more about the exhibition, visit SOAS' website at  and to Register to attend the Roundtable event, please sign up here


 Invitation for the 'Belonging Flexibly' Exhibition in London

Download Programme Poster here

    • On 5th May, Professor Magnus Marsden gave a talk in London on the contributions of Ustad Asif Mahmoud to music in Afghanistan and the diaspora. The talk was given on the occasion of a concert by Asif Mahmoud's son, Yousuf.

    • April 2024, the Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies publishes its special Afterlives edition, featuring contributions from the research team. Download the journal here

Screen shot from the online article

    • On the 27 March, Professor Marsden and Dr. Skvirskaja joined colleague Dr. Anderson in Cambridge for the Cambridge Festival, where they took part in a panel discussing the Afterlives of Urban Muslim Asia. The event was held at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas. You can find out more about it at

 Photo of Dr. Skvirskaja presenting at the panel

    • An article on was published on 'How central Asian Jews and Muslims worked together in London’s 20th-century fur and carpet trade' on the 26 March by Professor Marsden. The article appears in The Conversation at

Image from 'The Conversation' website featuring the article

    • Professor Marsden delivered a seminar at the Cambridge Central Asian Forum seminar series on4 March. His talk was entitled 'Beyond the Jewish Triangle: A Comparative and Connective Analysis of Muslim and Jewish Central Asian Emigres in the Twentieth Century'
    • Professor Marsden gave an online talk on Afghan mobility and refugees at a conference entitled 'The Contemporary Developments in Afghanistan: Implications on Central Asia.' The conference was held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 and was organised by the Institute of Advanced International Studies, at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent
    • In January, Dr. Anderson conducted a two-week period of fieldwork among Syrian Armenians in Yerevan, Armenia, and conducted 10 life history interviews focusing especially on relations to Islam and Muslims, and economic activities before, during and since the Syrian civil war
    • The project held a one day workshop in collaboration with ADI in Copenhagen. The focus of the workshop was on the concept of 'afterlives' and its relevance to intersecting fields of regional and transregional scholarship. The workshop enabled members of team to bring their work into conversation with  scholars in Denmark and Sweden who are specialists in the study of Palestine, Syria, and the Caucasus
    • On the occasion of the 554th birthday of Guru Nanak, Professor Marsden addressed the Afghan Sikh Khosti community on Monday 27 November 2023 in the Guru Nanak Society of London Trust Gurdwara in Tooting, South London. He discussed the project and also talked about the relevance of the teachings of Guru Nanak for the world today

    • On the 22 November 2023, Dr. Skvirskaja gave a two-hour lecture followed by a Q&A on ‘Post-Soviet coexistence and Bukharan Jews, Uzbekistan’ at Københavns Folkeuniversitet, Folk-University (People’s University), Copenhagen

    • 21 November 2023, Professor Marsden ran a three-hour focused seminar on research outline writing to students from Afghanistan studying at MA and PhD level across the campus. The seminar included students from Global, Education, Law, and Business Schools

    • In November 2023, Dr. Anderson conducted an initial two-week period of fieldwork among Syrian Armenians who have moved to Yerevan, Armenia from Aleppo and from other places in Syria over the last 30 years, and especially since the Syrian civil war. He has been exploring questions of mobility, heritage and identity among Syrian Armenian traders and artisans, and the nature of connections and attachments they have been able to maintain, including with/to Aleppo and Syria

    • On Saturday November 16 2023, Professor Marsden addressed a conference organised by the Afghan Sikh and Hindu communities of London. The conference focussed on the importance of recognising the contribution of the young professionals of these communities, especially in the field of public health. His talk focused on the significance of medicine to the history of Afghan Hindus and Sikhs and modes of integrating young people within the community

    • November 4,2023 Professor Marsden delivered the keynote lecture at the "Bringing Afghanistan to Scale Conference" held at Merton College, University of Oxford. The lecture explored the trading networks of Afghan Jews between 1950 and the present day

    • At the end of September 2023, Professor Marsden presented a paper entitled "Intellectual Exchange in Muslim Asia" at a symposium held at Christ's College Cambridge to celebrate the career of Professor Susan Bayly and mark the publication of the book "An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions and Ethics in Asia (Berghahn 2023), An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions and Ethics in Asia and Beyond | BERGHAHN BOOKS
Award presented to Professor Susan Bayly

Professor Susan Bayly celebrating career and book success

    • In September 2023, alumni of Whittingehame Boys School, Hove, which shut in 1967, met to celebrate and reminisce at a reunion event in Brighton. Professor Marsden and Dr. Anderson joined the former students, along with local journalist Yael Breuer, to meet with and interview alumni. You can read more about the event at ‘Jewish Eton’ bonds are still strong 60 years on - The Jewish Chronicle ( Professor Marsden also appeared on The Latest TV, with Ms. Breuer, to discuss the former school - 

    • 9 September 2023, an article by Professor Marsden on the transformations of Afghanistan's commercial networks is published in the 9/11 legacies project - Islamist Radicalism in the Balkans (
    • Professor Marsden presented his research findings online at a conference 'Sustainable Development in Central Asia" organised by the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent on September 4 2023

    • In June 2023, Dr. Skvirskaja conducted fieldwork jointly with Moska Nadjib - the project’s photographer - in Vienna, Austria. The main purpose of the trip was to document visually the vibrant social and professional life of the Bukharan Jewish community in the city

    • July 2023, Professor Marsden travelled to Cambridge to present a paper on Afghan Jews. The paper, titled "Adjusting scales: Jewish trading networks in and beyond Afghanistan, 1950-present-day," was published in the December edition of History and Anthropology, 1-20


    • June 2023, Dr. Skvirskaja published an article in The Bukharian Times, titled ‘Samarkand’s Secret Recipe: Jewish Shashlik'


    • May 2023, the researchers and Advisory Board met in Cambridge to discuss the progress of the project and future developments 
      Advisory Board Panel

      Advisory Board Panel


    • On 2 May, Professor Marsden attended an event held at the Guru Nanak Darbar in Southall to mark the publication of a book on the history of Afghan Sikhs by Dr Tej Khurana  (right image)

Meet-up at the Guru Nanak Darbar in Southall   Dr. Tej Khurana


    • May 2023, Dr. Anderson came to Sussex to launch his book "Exchange Ideologies: Commerce, Language and Patriarchy in Pre-conflict Aleppo" (Cornell University Press). The book was published in April '23

People sat at table

    • Professor Marsden attended on 8 February 2023 the launch of the Institute of Advanced International Studies (AIS) at the University of World Economic Diplomacy, University of Tashkent. A Memorandum of Understanding between AIS and the School of Global Studies (University of Susex) was also signed during the course of the event, which was attended by the leadership of UWED and the Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan
    • January and February 2023, publish an article by Professor Marsden. This is the first of two articles written and published on the website of Afghanistan's Jewry. The article was requested by the website organisers whom Professor Marsden met during research in Israel. The article was translated into Hebrew and is widely read by Afghan Jews living in Israel and in the diaspora. The article arises from meetings which Professor Marsden held with Jews from Afghanistan in Israel and New York, which sparked questions and interest amongst the community about the project 
    • Professor Marsden visited the Afghan Islamic Cultural Centre in Neasden, London, on 28 November 2022, and discussed the project's Sims and goals with Imams and mosque officials 

     Cultural Centre Meeting

    • The Afterlives team met in Southall, London on 22 November 2022 to discuss and share their initial research findings with community organisations, including the Afghan EKTA cultural association and Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar MeetupResearch Team Meeting Community MembersSouthall Centre Meetup

    • On 14 October 2022 Magnus Marsden spoke on the occasion of the opening of the offices of Farsi Action Foundation in Uxbridge Opening of Farsi Foundation
    • Dr. Paul Anderson, the Univerity of Cambridge, presented some of his early ethnographic findings on 23 November at the Cambridge Anthropology-Theology Network 

Event Poster


    • On 17 November Professor Marsden attended an online event on "Beyond the Silk Roads: Trade, Mobility and Goepolotics across Eurasia" organised by colleagues from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

Event Poster


    • Professor Marsden joined colleagues at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada on the 2 November 2022 to discuss his research.

Event InformationEvent Poster

    • Professor Marsden addressed a gathering at the Asamai Hindu temple in Southall, London on the 20 September 2022, marking the death of Queen Elizabeth.

    • Professor Marsden spoke on the 9 October 2022 at a panel to mark the book launch of the memoirs of the former Mayor of Kabul, Adbul Karim Misaq (1935-2016).

PanelistsBook Cover





    • Ukraine's asylum and immigration policy has been 'relaxed' in practice, and the Afghan diaspora has been able to establish itself and contribute to both the country's economy and the development of Afghanistan. We could learn something from this in Denmark, write Associate Professor Vera Skvirskaja and Professor Magnus Marsden in this opinion piece

    • The Afterlives project team - Professor Marsden (Sussex), Dr Anderson (Cambridge), Dr Skvirskaja (Copenhagen) and Dr Moradian (AISS) launched the project with an online meeting on Friday 4 February, 2022.

    • Professor Marsden gave a talk on 20 February at an event organised by the Farsi Action Foundation on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day. The event was held at the University of West London, Ealing.

    • Professor Marsden published an article exploring the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for Afghan communities - including families of Sikh and Hindu background - in the country.

      Prof Magnus

   farsi action poster


  Whittingehame College

 On the 9th and 10th of September 2023, the ‘old boys’ of Whittingehame College descended at a hotel on Brighton’s seafront from across the world. A Jewish boys’ school located in Brighton and Hove between 1931 and 1958 and in Handcross Park from 1958 until 1967, Whittingehame attracted Jewish students from Britain, Europe and the Muslim-majorities countries of West Asia and the Middle East. In the 1950s, Whittinghame also granted admission to Muslim students. Whittingehame closed in 1967 yet was of continuing significance for its former student body who established a College Old Boy’s Club and organised gatherings in Israel, London and Brighton.

 Jewish boys from Afghanistan and Syria studied at the school in the 1950s, maintaining connections with co-religionists from their countries of origin but also establishing relationships with those from other parts of the world. These relationships would play an important role in their future social and professional lives.

 Jack Abrahams, for example, came to Whittingeheame from Israel in 1957 having moved earlier in the decade from Kabul, Afghanistan. Jack has warm memories of his time at Whittingehame, “We were away from our families’, he remarked, “and so the relationships we established were more than friendship, we became what I refer to as 'brotherly friends' ”. While at Whittingehame, Jack was in contact with others Afghan Jews living in London, including a fur merchant who acted as his guardian.  After leaving Whittingehame in 1962, Jack moved to New York where he established a successful firm that traded with Afghanistan. He later began trading in precious stones with family members and friends dispersed across Asia. Jack now runs a jewellery company in New York’s 47th street that is renowned for its collection of rubies and emeralds.  Besides his professional activities, Jack played a leading role in the establishment of the Anshei Shalom synagogue, the place of worship of New York’s Afghan Jews. He puts his success down to his experiences at Whittingehame. “How did I have the courage to invite members of Congress, the Ambassador of Afghanistan to the US, and the President of the US to an event in New York to commemorate 2600 years of Jewish history in Afghanistan?”, he asked. “My time at Whittingehame is what gave me the strength to do such things”. 

Jack Abrahams & David Khafi, Alumni on the Beach

Alumni Jack Abrahams & David Khafi

 Debo Attar moved to Whittingehame from Milan, though his family had been based in Aleppo, Syria. Debo’s father had traded in textiles in Shanghai and Bombay before moving to Beirut and then Milan. Debo arrived in Whttingehame aged eight, and remembers feeling lonely and abandoned. He left the school after a couple of years, but returned some years later. Having eventually finished his schooling, Debo lived and worked in South and North America, Europe and Asia. Debo told us that Whittingehame had taught him the importance of trust to building personal relationships and conducting business.  

Whittingehame Club Member Holding Jacket

Whittingehame alumni showing off his jacket

 One former pupil who had grown up in Egypt before attending Whittingehame in the 1960s recalled different facets of the school’s approach to ethical formation. Its approach to kosher rules had emphasised, rather than legalistic doctrine, the spirit of non-cruelty to all creatures. The school had also emphasised the principle of anti-racism: he recalled one occasion where a boy who had made a racial slur against a Muslim pupil at the school had been publicly punished at an assembly and also “beaten up” by other Jewish boys at the school. He credited the school with the anti-racism stance he had taken with him into his career, when as a manager he had gone above and beyond organisational requirements in dealing with racism against black colleagues. 

 Spending time with Whittingehame’s Old Boys provide us with a vivid glimpse into the significance of migration for education for the building of multi-national relationships and the formation and stabilisation of transnational networks in the post-War era.

Group Photo of Whittingehame Alumni

Group Photo of Whittingehame Alumni


 Abdullah's Family

 Written by Professor Magnus Marsden


 In October, I visited the small industrial city of Çerkezköy located about an hour’s drive to the west of Istanbul. Çerkezköy has become the home over the past five years to several hundred families from northern Afghanistan who have emigrated there from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Having visited Jeddah in 2016, I was keen to explore this community’s move to Turkey. Many of Jeddah’s Afghans were the decedents of Muslim families that had fled the Emirate of Bukhara in the 1920s after its incorporation within the Soviet Union.  

  In Çerkezköy, I spent most of my time with a friend from Afghanistan who lives there, Abdullah Kamal. I first met Abdullah in 2012 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, where Abdullah ran a watch repair business. Abdullah’s family left Kabul in the early 1980s, thereafter living between Kabul, Dushanbe, and Karachi. In 2016, he and his family moved from Tajikistan to Turkey.  

Street View of Çerkezköy

Çerkezköy Street View

  Abdullah is descended from families who had migrated to Afghanistan from Central Asia in the early twentieth century. Abdullah’s paternal grandfather fled Bukhara for Afghanistan in the wake of the Bolshevik revolution fearing his high status background would put him at risk. Having settled in the city of Mazar-e Sharif, he capitalised on his expertise in horsemanship and worked in the stables of a Buzkashi player, before moving to Kabul where he found employment as a cook. 

  Abdullah’s maternal grandmother also fled Central Asia in the wake of the Soviet revolution. A young girl, her family soon gave her in marriage to a man from her home region who had studied at the Islamic seminary of Deoband in northern India. After her husband’s death, she eventually moved to Kabul, working as a tailor and eventually remarrying. Abdullah’s father, the late Kamaludin Kamal, learned the skills of repairing watches. In the 1970s, he opened a shop of his own in the Pul-e Mahmoud Khan area of Kabul’s old city. In the early 1980s, after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Abdullah’s father took the entire family to Karachi.  

  In the decades that followed, the family established watch and telephone repair shops in Karachi, Dushanbe, and, briefly, Kabul. They lived through intense communal violence in Karachi and civil war in Dushanbe. The family once had an opportunity to move to Canada as part of a refugee resettlement scheme. Abdullah’s grandmother refused to leave the land of her birth. She eventually died a refugee from Afghanistan in Tajikistan, a country in whose territory she had been born.  

Abdullah working in a watch shop

Abdullah in a watch shop

  Abdullah married and established his own family. His children were born in Pakistan, Tajikistan, and in Turkey. ‘We have been refugees and moving around for four generations’, he told me. ‘My children have been born in three different countries and now we live in Turkey and will soon by the Grace of God be granted Turkish citizenship’. Abdullah family’s experiences of dispersal over decades have shaped their approach to life: ‘We always stay together’, he remarked to me. ‘The last time members of my family opted to travel alone, they lost contact with their families forever. Even if we have opportunities to go somewhere better on our own, we prefer to remain together at all costs. ’ 


Abdullah working in a watch shop

Abdullah at work in a watch shop


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 Kuche Ma, pg. 1

Kuche Ma, pg. 2

Kuche Ma, pg. 3

Kuche Ma, pg. 4

Kuche Ma, pg. 5

Download a pdf of the Kuche-ma Blog here

Other resources

Radio Nowruz

Afghanistan Institute of Strategic Studies


Emir of Bukhara's summer house_ KabulThe Emir of Bukhara's summer house, Qala-ye Fatuh, Kabul

Emir of Bukhara grave_ KabulThe tomb of the last Emir of Bukhara, Shuhada-e Salahin cemetery, Kabul

Emir of Bukhara KabulThe grave of Sayyid Mir Muhammad Alim Khan (1880 - 1944), the last Emir of Bukhara in Kabul's Shuhada-e Salahin cemetery

Bagh Babur KabulBagh-e Babur, resting-place of the first Mughal Emperor, Babur (1483 - 1530), Kabul 

     Afghan Sikh congregants at the Guru Nanak Darabar Gurdwara, Southall, London
     Afghan Sikh congregants at the Guru Nanak Darabar Gurdwara, Southall, London
     A Sikh Gurdwara in the Hindu Guzar neighbourhood of Kabul
     A Sikh Gurdwara in the Hindu Guzar neighbourhood of Kabul
     Hindu Temple, Shor Bazaar, Kabul
     Hindu Temple, Shor Bazaar, Kabul
     Plaque at a Gurdwara in Kabul commemorating Sikh and Hindu victims of a terrorist attack in Jalabad, Afghanistan
     Plaque at a Gurdwara in Kabul commemorating Sikh and Hindu victims of a terrorist attack in Jalabad, Afghanistan
     The Yu Aw syngogue, Herat, Afghanistan
     The Yu Aw syngogue, Herat, Afghanistan



Emir of Bukhara's summer house_ KabulThe Emir of Bukhara's summer house, Qala-ye Fatuh, Kabul

Emir of Bukhara grave_ KabulThe tomb of the last Emir of Bukhara, Shuhada-e Salahin cemetery, Kabul

Emir of Bukhara KabulThe grave of Sayyid Mir Muhammad Alim Khan (1880 - 1944), the last Emir of Bukhara in Kabul's Shuhada-e Salahin cemetery

Bagh Babur KabulBagh-e Babur, resting-place of the first Mughal Emperor, Babur (1483 - 1530), Kabul 

     Afghan Sikh congregants at the Guru Nanak Darabar Gurdwara, Southall, London
     Afghan Sikh congregants at the Guru Nanak Darabar Gurdwara, Southall, London
     A Sikh Gurdwara in the Hindu Guzar neighbourhood of Kabul
     A Sikh Gurdwara in the Hindu Guzar neighbourhood of Kabul
     Hindu Temple, Shor Bazaar, Kabul
     Hindu Temple, Shor Bazaar, Kabul
     Plaque at a Gurdwara in Kabul commemorating Sikh and Hindu victims of a terrorist attack in Jalabad, Afghanistan
     Plaque at a Gurdwara in Kabul commemorating Sikh and Hindu victims of a terrorist attack in Jalabad, Afghanistan
     The Yu Aw syngogue, Herat, Afghanistan
     The Yu Aw Synagogue, Herat, Afghanistan

Magnus Marsden has been contextualising his ethnographic work through time in the archives. In the UK, he has consulted records relating to the activities of Jews, Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan at the British Library, the National Archives, and the London Archives. Most recently, he travelled to Winnipeg in Canada in order to visit the Manitoba Archives, the holding place of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives. The Hudson's Bay Company was the principal agent in the sale of Afghan Kararkul fur in the twentieth century, a trade in which both Jews and Muslims from Afghanistan and Central Asia played a pivotal role