Emeritus Professor
Mick Dunford has given two courses in University of Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies (1994 and 1998). He has been Visiting Professor at the universities of Toulouse, Pavia, Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sciences-Po in Paris. Since 2010 he has been Visiting Professor at the Institute for Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.
At Sussex he recently contributed to the first year Human Geography course and a second-year interdisciplinary course entitled Measuring Development. Until recently he taught a first-year Geographies of Development and Inequality course, contributes to a second-year course on the Transformation of Contemporary Europe and final year and graduate courses on Industrial Change and Regional development and geographies of Rising and Falling Powers. In China he taught a course on Quantitative Methods and Modelling Urban and Regional Development. In the past he has also taught statistics and has contributed to GIS courses at Sussex. In the last few years he also supervised/co-supervised some ten doctoral students writing theses on a range of regional and industrial development issues in countries as varied as Brunei, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Turkey and Venezuela.