Emeritus Professor
Although he has taught widely at undergraduate level in the past, Russell King's teaching has for many years been mostly at postgraduate level, especially on the MA in Migration Studies. He supervises a large group of doctoral students and some postdoctoral fellows, all working on migration. Applicants wishing to study for a PhD in Migration Studies should write in the first instance with a one-page outline of their research ideas to pg.enquiries@sussex.ac.uk
Recently completed DPhils at Sussex supervised by Russell include:
- Mariagiulia Grassilli: Representations of Diversity and Cultural Participation: Performances of Multiculturalism in Bologna and Barcelona (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2002).
- Ayman Zohry: Rural-to-Urban Labour Migration: A Study of Upper Egyptian Labourers in Cairo (DPhil in Geography, 2002).
- Elisabetta Zontini: Family Formation and Gendered Migrations in Bologna and Barcelona (DPhil in Contemporary European Studies, 2002).
- Nicola Mai: Between Losing and Finding Oneself: The Role of Italian Television in the Albanian Migration to Italy (DPhil in Media and Cultural Studies, 2002).
- Anastasia Christou: Narratives of Place, Culture and Identity: Second-Generation Greek-Americans Return 'Home' (DPhil in Geography, 2003).
- Savina Ammassari: International migration and return of elites to Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire (DPhil in Development Studies, 2003).
- Pontus Odmalm: Political Participation and the Role of Migrant Organisations in Sweden and the Netherlands (DPhil in Comparative Politics, 2004).
- Panos Hatziprokopiou: Globalisation, Migration and Socio-Economic Change in Contemporary Greece: Processes of Social Incorporation of Albanian and Bulgarian Immigrants in Thessaloniki (DPhil in Contemporary European Studies, 2005).
- Ilias Meintanis: The Europeanisation of Immigrant Policies: The Case of Greece (DPhil in Contemporary European Studies, 2005).
- Myriam Cherti: Paradoxes of Social Capital: A Multi-Generational Study of Moroccans in London (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2006).
- João Sardinha: Immigrant Associations, Integration and Identity: Angolan, Brazilian and Eastern European Communities in Portugal (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2007).
- Nayla Moukarbel: Sri Lankan Housemaids in Lebanon: Symbolic Violence and Everyday Resistance (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2007).
- Nikos Gogonas: Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Language Maintenance in Second-Generation Migrants: A Study of Albanian and Egyptian Pupils in Athens (DPhil in Linguistics, 2007).
- Julie Vullnetari: The Dynamics Between Internal and International Migration: A Development-Oriented Ethnographic Study in Albania (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2008).
- Lena Näre: Managing Households, Making Homes: A Moral Economy of Migrant Domestic and Care Work in Naples (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2008).
- Naluwembe Binaisa: Ugandan migrants in Britain: Negotiating Spaces of 'Home' and 'Belonging' (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2009).
- Ozge Aktas: Social Capital and Integration Among Migrants of Istanbul (DPhil in Sociology, 2009).
- Janine Teerling: The 'Return' of British-Born Greek Cypriots to Cyprus: A Narrative Ethnography (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2010).
- Zana Vathi: Second-Generation Albanian Migrants in Europe: Ethnic Identity, Transnational Ties and Pathways for Integration (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2011).
- Francesca Conti: Leaving or Staying: An Analysis of Italian Graduates' Migratory Patterns (DPhil in Sociology, 2011).
- Diana Mata-Codesal: Social and Material Remittances in Highland Ecuador (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2011).
- Giuseppe Scotto: The Political Participation of Migrants: A Study of the Italian Communities in London (DPhil in Politics, 2012).
- Dorothea Mueller: Middling Transnationalism and Translocal Lives: Young Germans in the UK (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2012).
- Gunjan Sondhi: Gendering International Student Migration: An Indian Case Study (DPhil in Migration Studies, 2013).
- Maria Abranches: The Route of the Land's Roots: Connecting Lifeworlds between Guinea-Bissau and Portugal through Food-Related Meanings and Practices (DPhil in Anthropology, 2013).
Current research students include:
- Jill Ahrens: Intra-European Union Onward Migration of Nigerian Migrants (DPhil in Migration Studies).
- Marlon Bristol: The Development and Welfare Impact of Return Migration and Return Migration Policies: A Case Study of Guyana (DPhil in Migration Studies)
- Cemre Erciyes: Return Migration to the Causasus: The Adyghe-Abkhaz Diaspora(s), Transnationalism and Life after Return (DPhil in Migration Studies).
- Angela Haynes: African Diaspora International Volunteering: Responding to 'Brain Drain' in the Health Professions? (DPhil in Migration Studies).
- Eveline Odermatt: Migration in Development: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Moldovan Migrant Associations in Development Initiatives (DPhil in Migration Studies).
- Evangelia Sachperoglou: Female Immigrant Employment and Empowerment: Narratives of Albanian Women in Greece (DPhil in Migration Studies).
- Dora Sampaio: Later-In-Life International Migration to the Azores: Unravelling Ageing Experiences and Social and Economic Implications in Place (DPhil in Geography).
- Yvonne Salt: Romantic Love Relationships Between British Migrants and Spanish/Czech Nationals in the Context of European Integration (DPhil in Migration Studies).