Dr Jonathan Newman
Post: | Research Associate (Anthropology) |
Location: | ARTS C Anthropology p/g p/h |
Email: | J.M.B.Newman@sussex.ac.uk |
Personal homepage: | Deep Research |
Dr. Jonathan Newman is an Associate Post-Doctoral Researcher who works as an Associate Tutor for Anthropology in the Department of Global Studies at University of Sussex.
MA in Anthropology Conflict, Violence and Conciliation University of Sussex 2006
- Distinction
BA(Hons) Social Science - Urban Sociology Middlesex University 1988
- Upper Second (2:1)
Research Consultancy
Jonathan has set up a research company that does market research and pro bono work for social research. For more information please go to https://www.deepresearch.co.uk/
Conference Papers and Talks
- 14th Nov 2019 - 'The (capital) growth of cannabis: Law Science and Markets' Global Cannabis Institute Conference, London
- 7th Nov 2019 'Addiction and the market: Working practices and the marketization of addiction treatment - Analytical and methodological approaches in the study of the addiction treatment markets' Invited Symposium for Society for the Study of Addiction Annual Conference
- 1st Nov 2019 - From Marijuana to Missiles: A comparative look at ethics in the cannabis trade and arms trade
- 31st Oct 2019 - 'The (captial) growth of cannabis: Law Science and Markets' EuroAm Cannabis Business Conference, Prague
- 20th May 2019 - 'What is the Future of Coffee' - Sussex Sustainability Research Programme
- 7th December 2018 - 'Ethics in Cannabis' International Cannabis Policy Conference, Vienna
- 14th Sept 2017 - 'The Human Terrain of Resilience, Terror and Sustainable Security Markets' - DSEI, London
- 28th- 30th Aug 2017 – ‘Ethnographic Explorations of Heterogeneity, Representation and Legitimacy in the Colombian Peace Process' – Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology, Amsterdam (Panel Co-Convenor)
- 2nd March 2017 – ‘Narratives of Terror, Coffee Farming and Ethical Trade in Colombia, UCL, London
- 22nd Feb 2017 – ‘Drug Reform, Economy and Academics: The promotion of science in health markets and the rise of cannabis corporates’ – University of Kent
- 10th February - ' "They've made my drugs all scientific!" ' - Brighton Psychedelic Society
- 12th Dec 2016 – ‘How do we imagine peace in Colombia? A discussion on a peace process, violence and our own position’ – University of Bath
- 11th Nov 2016 – ‘Beyond Medicine and Drugs: Cannabis as part of lifestyle amid the marketing and regulation of scientific evidence’ Cannafest Professional Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- 16th Sept 2015 –‘Medical Cannabis Bike Tour: The Meanings of Cannabis in Transit’ – Contemporary Drug Problems, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon, Portugal
- 12th July 2015 – ‘Transgression and economy during drug reform’ University of Greenwich, London
- 1st June 2015 – ‘"I have been lucky with my neighbours": The purpose and limits of resilience’, UCL, London
- 21st August 2014 – ‘Anthropologies of terror and anthropologies of coffee farming in Colombia, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
- 12th April 2013 – ‘A critical analysis of the 'turn to affect' in studies about Latin American violence’ Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) annual conference, University of Manchester
- 1st December 2012 – ‘Ethical trading and violence: a study of coffee farming in Colombia’, Cambridge International Development Conference, University of Cambridge
- 24 - 26 March 2011, ‘The art of bankruptcy’ - with Tim Lay at Picture this: postcards and letters beyond text, University of Sussex
- 9th - 10th October 2008 - 'Reflections in the classroom: Learning to market education', at Teaching Anthropology, Keble College, University of Oxford