Research Fellow
Selected publications
Thorsen, Dorte (2017) Is Europe really the dream? Contingent paths among sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco. Africa, 87 (2). pp. 343-361. ISSN 0001-9720
Thorsen, Dorte (2017) Reconfiguring migration: an introduction. Africa, 87 (2). pp. 300-303. ISSN 0001-9720
Thorsen, Dorte and Jacquemin, Mélanie (2015) Temporalités, savoir-faire et modes d’action des enfants travailleurs migrants au sein de la parenté élargie en Afrique de l’Ouest. Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue canadienne des études africaines, 49 (2). pp. 285-299. ISSN 1923-3051
Thorsen, Dorte (2013) Weaving in and out of employment and self-employment: young rural migrants in the informal economies of Ouagadougou. International Development Planning Review, 35 (2). pp. 203-218. ISSN 1474-6743
Thorsen, Dorte (2011) Non-formal apprenticeships for rural youth – questions that need to be asked. NORRAG NEWS, Towards a New Global World of Skills Development? TVET's turn to Make its Mark (46). pp. 71-73.
Thorsen, Dorte (2010) The place of migration in girls’ imagination. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41 (2). pp. 265-280. ISSN 0047-2328
Thorsen, Dorte (2009) L'échec de la famille traditionnelle ou l'étirement des relations familiales. L'exode des jeunes Burkinabés des zones rurales vers Ouagadougou et Abidjan. Hommes et Migrations (1279). pp. 66-78. ISSN 0223-3290
Thorsen, Dorte (2009) From shackles to links in the chain: theorising adolescent boys’ relocation in Burkina Faso. Forum for Development Studies, 36 (2). pp. 301-327. ISSN 0803-9410
Thorsen, Dorte (2002) We help our husbands! Negotiating the household budget in rural Burkina Faso. Development And Change, 33 (1). pp. 129-146. ISSN 0012-155X
Thorsen, Dorte and Reenberg, Anette (2000) Marginal producers or breadwinners : Women's cropping strategies and access to agricultural key resources in Boulgou province, Burkina Faso. Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 100. pp. 47-59. ISSN 0016-7223
Hashim, Iman and Thorsen, Dorte (2011) Child migrants in Africa. Africa now . Zed Books and the Nordic Africa Institute, London and Uppsala. ISBN 9781848134560
Book Section
Sumberg, J, Flynn, J, Oosterom, M, Yeboah, T, Crossouard, B and Thorsen, D (2021) African youth and the rural economy: points of departure. In: Sumberg, J (ed.) Youth and the rural economy in Africa: hard work and hazard. CABI, UK, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781789245011
Thorsen, Dorte (2020) Independent child migration: mobilities and life course transitions. In: Bastia, Tanja and Skeldon, Ronald (eds.) Routledge handbook of migration and development. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138244450
Thorsen, Dorte (2016) La migration des enfants bissa : diversité des comportements, pluralité des représentations. In: Bredeloup, Sylvie and Zongo, Mahamadou (eds.) Repenser les mobilités burkinabé. Etudes africaines . L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 95-120. ISBN 9782343087306
Thorsen, Dorte (2014) Jeans, bicycles and mobile phones. Adolescent migrants' material consumption in Burkina Faso. In: Veale, Angela and Donà, Giorgia (eds.) Child and youth migration: Mobility-in-migration in an era of globalization. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 67-90. ISBN 9781137280664
Thorsen, Dorte (2014) Work opportunities and frictions for rural child migrants in West African cities. In: Bourdillon, M F C and Mulumbwa, G M (eds.) Places of work in African childhood. CODESRIA, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2007) Junior-senior linkages in migration: youngsters’ perceptions of migration in rural Burkina Faso. In: Hahn, Hans Peter and Klute, Georg (eds.) Cultures of migration : African perspectives. LiT Verlag, Berlin, pp. 175-199. ISBN 9783825806682
Thorsen, Dorte (2006) Child migrants in transit: strategies to become adult in rural Burkina Faso. In: Christiansen, Catrine, Utas, Mats and Vigh, Henrik E (eds.) Navigating youth, generating adulthood : social becoming in an African context. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, pp. 88-114. ISBN 9171065784
Edited Book
Kleist, Nauja and Thorsen, Dorte, eds. (2016) Hope and uncertainty in contemporary African migration. Routledge Studies in Anthropology . Routledge, New York and London. ISBN 9781138961210
Reports and working papers
Howard, Neil, Jacquemin, Mélanie and Thorsen, Dorte (2018) Baseline research report. Project for the Protection of Migrant children Along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (CORAL). Technical Report. Terre des Hommes.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Child domestic workers: evidence from West and Central Africa. Discussion Paper. UNICEF WCAR, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Children begging for Qur’ānic school masters: evidence from West and Central Africa. Discussion Paper. UNICEF WCAR, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Children working in commercial agriculture: evidence from West and Central Africa. Discussion Paper. UNICEF WCAR, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Children working in mines and quarries: evidence from West and Central Africa. Discussion Paper. UNICEF WCAR, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Children working in the urban informal economy: evidence from West and Central Africa. Discussion Paper. UNICEF WCAR, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Les enfants mendiant pour les maîtres des écoles coraniques: Résultats d’une étude menée en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale. Discussion Paper. Bureau régional de l'UNICEF en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Les enfants qui travaillent dans l'économie urbaine informelle: Résultats d’une étude menée en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale. Discussion Paper. Bureau régional de l'UNICEF en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Les enfants qui travaillent dans les mines et les carrières: Résultats d’une étude menée en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale. Discussion Paper. Bureau régional de l'UNICEF en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Les enfants travaillant dans l'agriculture commerciale: résultats d’une étude menée en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale. Discussion Paper. Bureau régional de l'UNICEF en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2012) Les enfants travailleurs domestiques: résultats d’une étude menée en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale. Discussion Paper. Bureau régional de l'UNICEF en Afrique de l'ouest et centrale, Dakar.
Thorsen, Dorte (2007) “If only I get enough money for a bicycle!” A study of childhoods, migration and adolescent aspirations against a backdrop of exploitation and trafficking in Burkina Faso. Working Paper. Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, Brighton.
Thorsen, Dorte (2016) [Review] Gabriella Sanchez (2014) Human smuggling and border crossings. The Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.