Wissant Bay


22/04/2003 11:18
Wissant Bay: View from the eastern end of the seawall towards the west. The seawall has been rebuilt in 2002. Beach levels are close to the bottom of the seawall and no beach exists at high tide.

Wissant Bay: View from the wester end of the seawall towards the east showing the state of the seawall in June 2000. Image provided by Olivier Cohen.

22/04/2003 11:18
Wissant Bay: View from the eastern end of the seawall towards the east with Cap Blanc Nez in the background.

22/04/2003 12:02
Wissant Bay: View from the western end of the dunes d'Amont towards Wissant. Dune erosion is likely to increase as beach levels in front of the Wissant seawall are low and visitors will move into the dunes at hight tide.

22/04/2003 12:03
Wissant Bay: View from western end of the dune d'Amont looking east over the foreshore at low tide showing ridge & runnel topography. Ridges dry out quickly and can supply sand for transport towards the dunes.

22/04/2003 12:40
Wissant Bay: View from the eastern end of the dune d'Aval towards Wissant. The area shows the highest amount of erosion in the bay ac can be seen by the distance between the dune ridge an the bunkers originally built on top of the dunes. Erosion over the last 60 years can be estimated from the position of the bunkers at ~ 1m/year.

Wissant Bay: View from the eastern end of the dune d'Aval towards Wissant. The image was taken in June 2000 by Olivier Cohen.

22/04/2003 12:43
Wissant Bay: View from the eastern end of the dune d'Aval towards the west showing the distance between the dune ridge an the bunkers originally built on top of the dunes. The height of the dune ridge declines towards the west and the dune ridge becomes thinner at the same time. The black areas on the beach are peat beds.

22/04/2003 13:28
Wissant Bay: View from the raised ground behind Wissant Bay overlooking the area behind and the dune ridge of the Dune d Chalêt. Note the gaps in the dune ridge that can lead to a breach in the ridge.

22/04/2003 13:48
Wissant Bay: View from the access in the Baraque Fricot looking east, showing the eroding dune ridge and shingle on the upper beach.

22/04/2003 13:48
Wissant Bay: View from the access in the Baraque Fricot looking west with Cap Griz Nez in the background. The shingle seems to form a thin layer on the upper beach.

22/04/2003 13:57
Wissant Bay: Section through the upper beach near the access in the Baraque Fricot showing a shingle deposit that has been covered by dune sand.

22/04/2003 13:58
Wissant Bay: Detail of section through the upper beach near the access in the Baraque Fricot showing a shingle deposit that has been covered by dune sand (pen for scale).

22/04/2003 14:09
Wissant Bay: Section through the upper beach near the access in the Baraque Fricot showing a shingle deposits sandwiched between sand indicating alternating depositional environments. Pieces of plastic string and other debris found in the deposit indicate a relative young age (pen for scale)

© U.Dornbusch 2003