06/23/2003 15:05 View of Hurricane Pass looking south from Honeymoon Island. Distribution of breaking waves indicates location of the ebb-tide delta (in the left hand part of the photo), also recognisable from the water colour (underlying sandbank shine through as lighter coloured compared to darker coloured areas reflecting the shipping channel.
 05/23/2003 19:37 Looking south from the central part of Honeymoon Island showing the erosion of previous constructions.
 05/23/2003 19:38 Looking south from the central part of Honeymoon Island showing the erosion of previous constructions.
 05/23/2003 19:38 Looking north from the central part of Honeymoon Island showing the erosion of previous constructions. The island was greatly increased in size in the 1960s using infill of limestone rubble that now constituted parts of the beach under an erosional regime, making the beach rather unpleasant.
 05/23/2003 19:42 Detail of an erosional scarp in the present day beach material that cuts through the limestone rubble infill.
 05/23/2003 19:44 View landwards along an overwash fan.
 05/23/2003 19:44 View landwards along an overwash fan.
 05/23/2003 19:54 Detail of beach scarp through an earlier overwash deposit showing alternating layers of coarser and finder material.
 05/23/2003 20:01 Section through over wash deposits in an overwash fan.
 05/23/2003 20:22 Looking south along the beach mainly composed of limestone rubble infill.
 05/23/2003 20:24 View at right angles of an overwash fan.