Vita of Niphon

Name of text:

Vita of Niphon

Author of text: Anonymous
Date of text: 11C-12C, date of Niphon: 4C
Date of person in text:
Name of structure in text:
Type of structure in text: house
Date of structure in text unknown
Century of structure 1:
Century of structure 2:
Country in text: Turkey
Region in text: Marmara
City in text: Constantinople
Specific place of mosaic in text: Over the gates of a large house in the Chalkourgeion underneath an icon of the

Virgin and Christ child.

Description of mosaic in text:

'the lord in perfect likeness' (kazhdan, 2006, p. 202).

Mosaic date in text:
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text: None

Kazhdan,  A., A History of Byzantine Literature (850-1000), ed by C. Angelidi (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research, Research Series 4, Athens, 2006).

Ryden, L., 'The date of the Life of St Niphon, BHG 1371z', Greek and Latin Studies in Memory of C. Fabricius, ed by S.-T. Teodorsson (Gothenburg, 1990), 33-40.

Rystenko, A. V., Materialy z istorïï vizantijs'ko-slov'jans'koï literatury ta movy (Odessa, 1928, repr. Leipzig 1982).

Deissmann, A. & Maas, P., 'Ein literasrischer Papyrys des 11.-12. Jahrhundert n.Chr.', Aegyptus 13 (1933), 11-20.

Weingart, M., review of Rystenko, Byzantinoslavica 2 (1990), 447.

Mercati, S. G., 'Vita di S. Nifone riconosciuta nel papiro greco Fitz Roy Fenwick a Cheltenham, già Lambruschini a Firenze, Aegyptus 11 (1941), 55-90. Repr in Colllectanea byzantina 2 (Bari, 1970), 142-77.


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