Imperium Orientale

Name of text: Imperium Orientale
Author of text: Anselmo Banduri
Date of text: 1711
Date of person in text: 1671/5-1743
Name of structure in text: Baths of Blacherne
Type of structure in text: baths
Date of structure in text c. 976-1025
Century of structure 1: 10 AD
Century of structure 2: 11 AD
Country in text: Turkey
Region in text:
City in text: Constantinople
Specific place of mosaic in text: walls
Description of mosaic in text:
Mosaic date in text: 11 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text?
Tesserae gold mentioned in text?
Colour descriptions in text:

Anselmo Banduri, Imperium Orientale, vol 2, 40, cited in A. L. Frothingham, ‘Notes on Christian Mosaics. III. The Lost Mosaics of the East’, The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, 4.2 (1888), 127-148, p. 135


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