De sacris aedibus Deiparae ad Fontem

Name of text: De sacris aedibus Deiparae ad Fontem
Author of text: Anon
Date of text: 10th century
Date of person in text:
Name of structure in text: Virgin Pege/Virgin of the Source/Spring
Type of structure in text: church
Date of structure in text
Century of structure 1:
Century of structure 2:
Country in text: Asia Minor
Region in text:
City in text: Constantinople
Specific place of mosaic in text:
Description of mosaic in text: She [Empress Irene] ordered that, as a lasting memorial, their portraits [Irene and Constantine VI] should be executed in mosaic on either side of the church [showing them] handing over the offerings that have been enumerated so as to both express their faith and to proclaim for all time the miracle of the haemorrhage through the setting up [of said portraits] and the offering of the gifts.
Mosaic date in text: 8 AD
Tesserae silver mentioned in text? No
Tesserae gold mentioned in text? No
Colour descriptions in text:
Bibliography: De sacris aedibus Deiparae ad Fontem, p. 880, quoted in Cyril Mango, The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312-1453 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972, repr. 1986), pp. 156-7

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