
Name of structure: Maria
Extended name of structure: Duomo di Orvieto
Type of structure: Church
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Umbria
City or area within region: Orvieto
Date of structure: 13C, 14C
Century of structure 1: 13 AD
Century of structure 2: 14 AD
Specific place of mosaic:

Facade: panels and decorative bands. The only surviving original panel of series of Life of the Virgin, the Nativity, is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: 14th century mosaics:
1330 decorative geometric mosaics on columns
1345 lower zone of facade - Fumi p. 461
1359 facade lower left gable, Baptism of Christ, now replaced by something else - Harding (1989), p. 75
1360 facade lower right gable, Nativity of Virgin Mary, replaced in 1583 by something else - Harding (1984), p. 255-6
1365, facade secondary area behind lower right gable, Annunciation to Anna - Harding (1984), p. 255
1366 facade lower central gable, Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Harding, (1984) p. 255
1376 facade upper right gable, Presentation of the Virgin Mary, restored/replaced in 17th century - Fumi, p. 467
1388 facade four corners outside rose window, four Fathers of the Church - Harding (1989), p. 89

Date of mosaic: 14th and 15th C mosaics
Century of mosaic 1: 14 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 15 AD
Silver tessera at site: Yes
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)? No, but written evidence of furnace. See Harding (1989).
Has analysis been done? Yes
Samples taken from where? ?
Excavation and restoration campaigns: Almost continuous restoration since 14C.
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Mambelli, R., Fabbri, B., Fiori, C. & Donati, F., 'Studio di materiali musivi provenienti dal Duomo di Orvieto', in Mosaico e restauro musivo. Vol.I, Quaderni IRTEC nr.l, ed by Istituto di Ricerche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica (Faenza, 1988), 55-65.

Harding, C., 'The production of medieval mosaics: the Orvieto evidence', DOP 43 (1989), 73-102.

Harding, C., Facade Mosaics of the Dugento and Trecento in Tuscany, Umbria, and Lazio (unpublished PhD thesis, London, 1984).

Fumi, Luigi, Il Duomo di Orvieto e suio Restauri (Perugia:  Opera del Duomo di Orvieto,  original 1891, republished 2002)


For the mosaicists who are mentioned by name see Harding (1989).
See also 15th C mosaic entry.

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