Maria Fuori le Mura

Name of structure: Maria Fuori le Mura
Extended name of structure:
Type of structure: Church
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Sicily
City or area within region: Messina
Date of structure:
Century of structure 1:
Century of structure 2:
Specific place of mosaic: Now in the Museo Regionale, Messina
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: La Ciambretta/Madonna della Ciambretta/Virgin in the Little Room
Small, niche mosaic, probably by a local mosaicist but in Byzantine style, includes the small figure of the monk San Gregorio
Date of mosaic: 13th century
Century of mosaic 1: 13 AD
Century of mosaic 2:
Silver tessera at site:
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)?
Has analysis been done?
Samples taken from where?
Excavation and restoration campaigns:
Bibliography of mainly technical resources:

Demus, O., The Mosaics of Norman Sicily (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949), p. 187

Comments: Church no longer extant

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