Giovanni in Fonte

Name of structure: Giovanni in Fonte
Extended name of structure: Lateran Baptistery
Type of structure: Baptistery
Country or main area: Italy
Region within country or main area: Lazio
City or area within region: Rome
Date of structure: 315, 5C, 7C
Century of structure 1: 4 AD
Century of structure 2: 7 AD
Specific place of mosaic: Chapel of St Venantius; Chapel of St John the Evangelist; narthex apse.
Brief descriptive contents of mosaic: Chapel of St Venantius: St John x 2, Christ bust, angels, Virgin, saints, 4 Rivers of Paradise, inscription.
Chapel of St John: Lamb of God, 4 seasons, flora.
Narthex: vine scrolls.
Date of mosaic: 5C, 7C
Century of mosaic 1: 5 AD
Century of mosaic 2: 7 AD
Silver tessera at site: Unknown
Gold tessera at site: Yes
Colour tessera at site: Yes
Were other materials found at site (i.e., glass cakes)?


Has analysis been done? No
Samples taken from where? n/a
Excavation and restoration campaigns: 17C: mosaics lost in redecoration
Bibliography of mainly technical resources: Mackie, G. V., Early Christian Chapels in the West: Decoration, Function and Patronage (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003)
Comments: Apse mosaic already lost by 6C (dedication recorded, Mackie (2003), 210).

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